Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 270 & 271

Ok so we FINALLY have wifi working at this motel - YAY! I am sitting on the bed typing in the semi-darkness next to my poor congested little Diva. She started sounding all snotty last night and we are REALLY, REALLY hoping that she is better by tomorrow. I know that you probably don't need to know this but right now she has a lot of snot draining - as far as I'm concerned it's better out that in clogging up her poor nasal passages. Here's hoping and praying the little goober feels better in the morning.

Sooo lets discuss the flight. The little Diva was AMAZING! She fell asleep as the plane was moving into place to take off. By the time the wheels lifted off the tarmac she was FAST asleep! She slept for an hour and was super good the rest of the time. She spent a good chunk of it playing with her two little rubber duckies and some more playing with the iPad. I had been SUPER excited that morning when the little Diva pooped at home because I assumed it meant she wouldn't poop on the flight...

right... assumptions... one should NEVER, EVER make those.

So the little Diva was walking around a little playing with her toys when the hubby and I noticed a foul odor. There was NO pretending it wasn't coming from our gorgeous daughter's diaper. There was nothing else to do but change her on the plane. So the three of us, armed with a change pad, diaper and wipes set off to the back of the plane. There we found another guy waiting for the washroom. We waited and waited. The little Diva proclaimed loudly at one point, "eww gross stinky bum!!"... I'm sure the people who were near us were in full agreement with her assessment.

We must have been there at least 5 or 10 minutes when I asked my hubby if the guy in front of us was sure there was someone in the washroom. The guy said he thought so because he couldn't get the door open and told hubby he could try too.

What do you know the door opened easily...

The guy felt so bad for making us wait there like idiots that he let us go ahead of him. The change table on this flight was a tiny fold down shelf above the gaping toilet hole. I was in hysterics as I changed the Diva's stinky bum. She had this look of utter disbelief and horror on her face and she hung onto my shirt tightly gripped in her hand the entire time I was changing her bum. Heck if I was lying on a little plank above a toiled I'd probably also be hanging onto something for dear life.

The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful and we landed safely in Texas.

I will report back tomorrow with more from our trip. Let me just say that we started our day with breakfast from IHop this morning and we were plenty impressed!

Sweet dreams all - Happy Saturday!!

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