Monday, December 26, 2011

365 Project!

Ok so here's the deal - I am going to attempt to complete a 365 project. This endeavor (whether or not I succeed) is my little sister's fault. And I say "fault" with all kinds of sisterly love. It is also her fault that I have an almost complete first draft of a novel on my laptop - and I love her for that. I'm not sure that I've ever been terribly disappointed by one of her suggested adventures :D

Sooo in a nutshell the point of a 365 project is to do something each day for 365 days and to blog about it. Here are a few examples: - this person spoke to a stranger a day using tattoos as a conversation starter - this person hid "art jars" each day for a year with her contact info on them and collected info about the finders!

Anywho there are lots and lots of examples out there on the big old internet if you have a search engine and some time to blow. I personally would LOVE to do a "hiding" project because covert hiding operations and hearing about who found your objects sounds like WAY too much fun. There are however logistical issues that have convinced me that this is a bad idea. Firstly and really this one is pretty much the reason I don't want to do it - the idea of strangers figuring out who I am or where I live freaks me out no end. Also I know Id be convinced that everyone was following me or looking at me suspiciously as I tried to hide whatever it was I was hiding. Let's just say that I wouldn't be a prime candidate to replace either Santa or the Easter Bunny. :D

Plus and this is a biggie - I'd be exposing the Little Diva to the same scary, creepy, stranger fearing experience and I cannot do that!! Picture me screaming and running hysterically through a park - pushing the Little Diva's stroller at a ridiculous speed while non stalking strangers eyes us suspiciously as we pass. It is not a pretty picture - hilarious - but not pretty.

So I thought to myself - What the heck can I realistically expect to do on a daily basis that I can blog about? I considered doing a photo blog - but that didn't really include much writing and as a person who fully intends to get published (and  to rake in some movie deals) I thought it may be a wee bit important to practice my art.

So yes I was at the questioning stage. I concluded that I spend the vast majority of my time running after the Little Diva - and I also I tend to prepare at least 2 or more meals a day (WAY more if you consider all the things I offer the Little Diva throughout the day). Cooking and Baking was the clear winner. I decided not to exploit my kid (much) - although you can bet she will get several mentions throughout this blog (as will the hubby) because lets face it - they are generally the people being exposed to my baking and cooking. So yes this will be a 365 recipe sharing adventure.

Welcome to 365 days of Eating - let the adventure BEGIN!!!


  1. So we will know if you eat tuna on toast for 5 days in a row.....I like the idea!! Good luck you are giving yourself a HUGE task with this one...not only do you have to think of different,tasty,creative meals so as to impress your also have to photograph each meal, write a piece on each meal and drop off a sample of each meal at my office every day! All of this while raising a little monster... :-)

  2. Hmmm I'm not so sure I'll have time to drop off samples.. lol you're always welcome to stop over on your lunch break - I can't however guarantee that there will be leftovers :D
