Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sleeping like a baby?!

Whoever it was that coined that phrase, "sleeping like a baby" obviously never spent an entire night watching the average baby sleep! Well ok, let me be more specific - teething babies do not "sleep like a baby". And yes - sleeping babies do look very peaceful; but if said sleep doesn't last for more than a few minutes it really can't be called sleep - can it?! OK, ok this may be the 'sleep deprivation' and 'caffeine depleted' part of my brain talking - I really don't mean to sound like a whiner extraordinaire. I just don't always function too well on fractured sleep and no coffee.

Our poor little Diva is currently dealing with 4 top teeth that are fighting their way out of her gums and it's making her a little cranky come bedtime. The poor little pumpkin is waking up several times a night and really just needs some comforting to get back to sleep. On a whole though she's pretty chipper for someone who is dealing with sharp little pearly whites breaking through their gums! I know I'd probably be a big slobbery, frustrated, bawling mess if I had to deal with teething at my age. I know this phase will pass fast enough and before I know it we'll be packing her off for her first day of school. So I try not to will the cranky parts to pass too quickly because I'm already feeling the need to hit the pause button some days. It truly TERRIFIES me how quickly the days fly by.

The little Diva's vocabulary is growing every day. She spent the better part of today practicing to say "Grampa". It really is too cute. Even the cat's were "Grandpa" today. A few days ago they were Granny. She doesn't however say "granny" - she simply calls her "Guh".

She's pulling herself up against everything and has taken to lunging at people - so I'm sure it will only be a matter of days before she takes a true "step" and then my days will be spent running instead of crawling after her. I marvel everyday how someone so small can have SO MUCH energy. She never sits still and ends up super cranky when I have to tell her "No - you can't jump off the bed" or "No I don't think you should try pull off the cat's tail", or "no you shouldn't nose dive onto the concrete varanda". She has quite the little temper but I'm told this is perfectly normal for her age. She's starting to learn she can communicate and she's big on exploring. To her little mind I'm always telling her "no" and she can't reason with me or explain why it is she NEEDS to nose dive out of my arms and into the garden!!

We had a lovely evening with her Dadoos and Dadda (the hubbies mom and dad) tonight and I FINALLY got her to say "dadoos". It's hilarious because I KNOW that she knows all these amazing words (and she KNOWS that I know) but if I ask her to show off to others and say them she totally clams up and makes me look like a liar! :D I'm assured by the sister-in-law and my brother that ALL kids do this though!!

Anywho I think I need to end there for tonight - I need to do some research and find out if there are any "preemie friendly" mom and tot's groups in my area because the Diva and I definitely need more things to do other than the once weekly swimming lessons!

Sweet dreams or Good morning to all - I'll be back again soon


  1. Little Diva will liven up our lives cant wait to hear more

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it and I'll try keep the stories coming :) Did you see the other posts or was this the only one you saw?
