So it's been a while since I've typed a little here, but I'm back! I had my citizenship test this morning and have been madly studying for the last week - hence the hiatus. I know a lot of people say they just read the book once or twice and they're fine but I'm not one to do half a job when it comes to studying. I hate feeling unprepared. It really was a lot of waiting around for a 10-15minutes 20 question multiple choice exam. The examiners check everyone's documents, make sure you can carry a conversation in English and once everyone has been checked you write the exam. I'm pretty sure it went well so I'll check the mail daily and hope that I get an invite for a citizenship ceremony soon!! I am definitely looking forward to taking a more active role as a citizen - especially now that I've studied and understand how the government and voting work. Just think - by next Canada Day I should be Canadian!! I'm thinking a party will definitely be in order :D
The hubby and I are currently working out a budget. I'm not planning to go back to work right after my maternity leave ends so we really need to start planning for when that EI stops coming in!! I'm also starting to think I really need to get some kind of "work from home" gig figured out for when the cheques stop too. It'll have to be an evening and weekends thing... at least until the little Diva gets older. I'm looking forward to this - I need to get back into a workout routine too - all important things that have been a little neglected since the insane summer we had last year.
The Diva is getting more autonomous and I'm ready to get back into making healthier meals and making sure we all take better care of ourselves - in the little moments where she can entertain herself in her playpen. She's teething at the moment though and her 4 top teeth seem to be fighting it out up there so she's a little too clingy for playpen time at the moment. She needs and wants her mommy and as frustrating as her tantrums can be - I absolutely love that I can be the one she needs when she just needs a hug and a neck to hang onto like a lovable little spider monkey.
Here's to making small positive changes every week. I think my first "change for the better" will have to be getting back into a workout routine- so tomorrow I WILL run on the treadmill :)
Sweet dreams till tomorrow - here's to an AWESOME Wednesday filled with all kids of opportunities.
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