Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday party for the definitely "not-so-terrible" two year old!

So today was the little prince's second birthday party and we had a BLAST! The little Diva had way too much fun and so did her Daddy and I. What's not to love - Excited kiddies and two AWESOME cakes; a Fireman and a Fire Truck! My sis-in-law really did an amazing job with them. I have to say though, that when I noticed afterwards that the fireman was chocolate cake and the truck was vanilla - I wish I'd insisted we cut off his boots instead of chop up the truck!! Not that the vanilla cake wasn't amazing mind you - there's just something EXTRA awesome about a chocolate cake. The little Diva and the little prince did their usual stunt of fighting over Granny and then fighting over Grandpa. Really the issue is that they want to make sure that they're not missing out on ANY potential attention from either granny or grandpa. Really, how can they be expected to SHARE a lap?

I know this post is really short - but I'm totally wiped and I'm hoping that inspiration will strike as I sleep and that I'll have something profound and witty and all out entertaining to type tomorrow. I'm planning to run errands as early as I can so that I can spend the rest of the day trying to get some semblance of order back into our house. The hubby goes back to work on Monday and I know that after his break the little Diva will miss him terribly so she's bound to be a little crabby. AND let's face it - I'm really not my best when I'm sleep deprived either!!

Sweet dreams to all :)

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