Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Socializing attempt = EPIC FAIL

Our day started out PERFECTLY. At 8:30am the coffee was ready, I was eating cereal and feeding the little Diva her yogurt - we had tonnes of time to spare. All that was left was to change her clothes, slip on some shoes, squeeze and fold her into her car seat (she spins like a crazed Ninja to avoid being put in there) and get in the car. Thanks to the snuggle the Little Diva and Daddy had soon after she woke up (Not for the first time since midnight mind you but more on that later), I was dressed and ready to get going.

We were heading to an Ontario Early Years Centre for the FIRST TIME! They have an hour long program for 9 to 18 month old little ones and we thought it was about time we let the Little Diva interact with other children. This wasn't a decision we made lightly either - with her being born prematurely we have kept her away from pretty much EVERY single gathering that didn't comprise of a handful of health family members. This approach may have frustrated people but it kept the little Diva healthy and I never actually had to slap anyone. Boy was I ready to slap germ infested people if they got too close. If you approached me and the Diva a few months ago and you so much as sniffled you probably would have ended up with a bruise. The doctors and nurses and pretty much anyone you meet in the hospital put the FEAR of germs in you. You start to see them EVERYWHERE. They do this with good reason though as preemies who catch colds/flu's/etc. do for the most part end up seriously ill due to their tiny nasal passages and premature lungs. But lets not dwell on all that.... We (the hubby and I) came to a consensus that it was the right time to start introducing the Diva to these kind of environments and that is why 9:10am found the Diva and I sitting in the car.

We drove to the centre without incident and got there with 8 minutes to spare. At this point I was patting myself on the back. Being early - heck being ON TIME is somewhat of a foreign concept in this house. So the 8 minutes was truly something to celebrate. I grabbed the diaper bag, umbrella and the little Diva. It was raining pretty hard and she was somewhat amused by the whole experience. I rushed through the puddles in the parking lot and quickly entered the centre.

The girl behind the desk asks for the little Diva's name and I gave it adding, "we actually still need to register". Her response, "Oh ok - Just sign up here and the group starts at the end of September".

END of September? It's only August 9th today!

What a giant let down - I cant believe that we have to wait another couple of weeks. When I stopped by there earlier this week for more information the person I spoke to told me about this group and said that registration starts on the 9th. She didn't specify that registration didn't coincide with the group actually meeting and I didn't think I needed to clarify! Oh the joy of assumptions!!

Soooo we braved the puddles back to the car and we drove home. I would have gone to the mall for a walk but the Diva was falling asleep and I figured it best to take her home for a nap. So yes - in future I will be clarifying dates etc!

I'm exhausted - the little Diva had a nap late this afternoon and then refused to get to bed until 11pm - I'm thinking it's time for me to get to bed. She hasn't been sleeping so well lately but I'm sure it has to do with her 4 top teeth. They are not entirely out yet and she spends a large amount of time chomping.

Till next time, sweet dreams and always remember to ask for CLARIFICATION!!

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