Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 312 - Change of Plans!

So I sat down to start my new NaNoWriMo novel this afternoon while the little Diva was napping and I couldn't do it. I wrote three or four lines - thought about what I wanted to say further and realized that I had some serious reservations. In part I don't know if it is jut that I'm just not ready to write that particular book, or something else but there was definite resistance. I also questioned whether or not I wanted people to read what I had to write. I planned to write about the Little Diva's early entry into the world, but for now I think I'll wait a little while longer.

I Also have my unfinished book from last year quietly yelling at me so I have decided that I'm going to finish that one first. I started reading through my 37000-ish words this afternoon and though it starts off rough - it definitely has something going for it. I am confident that this is a book I can get published. My characters are begging me to end off this first installment of their journey and I think it is about time I do that for them.

So for me at least, NaNoWriMo is going to be about writing the end of last years book and then going back and fixing the start. Then I guess it needs to sit for a while until I do the serious editing.

So I do apologize for quitting before I even started - but this seems to be the better plan for now.

Sweet dreams all and Happy Friday!!!

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