Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 257 - Haircut!

I haven't had a haircut since January. Yerp I'm not proud of the fact - more I'm mentioning it as somewhat of an excuse for all of the boring ponytails and messy "head-nest-scrunch" things you've had to endure in the last couple of months. I FINALLY went for a cut this evening and am super happy. My stylist also straightened my hair for me - SO Much easier when someone else does it for you!

There's nothing quite like freshly chopped hair to make you put in some effort and actually style your hair. Here's hoping this new trend last a while so that I look more like a yummy mummy and less like... well... a tired mummy who needs a haircut... :D

Anywho we had a lovely day visiting with Granny today - we went to a burger place to pick up lunch and the little Diva promptly fell asleep on the drive home. When she woke up an hour or so later she was a tad grumpy and was mumbling/whining something at me. It took WAY too long for me to figure out she was saying "chips". Granny calls "fries" chips and I guess the little Diva woke up realizing that she hadn't in fact got any of the fries/chips that had been promised to her.

We got downstairs and I put the plate of fries in front of her only to have her ask where her chicken was... too cute! Apparently she's had one too many happy meals lately!! *hangs parenting head in shame* Ok before you panic it hasn't been THAT many - we're definitely not even closing in on once a week yet so yes... lets keep it lower than that! I did make her some nuggets though and she had those with her baked beans a little later on. Now if I could only somehow convince this kid to eat everything I put in front of her. I'm thinking that the eating battle will need it's own blog :D

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