Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 102 - No baking but I got some Chocolate Chip Hot-Cross buns!

Hmm... so yes I didn't do any baking today - BUT I did go for a lovely walk to our neighbourhood bakery to pick up some hot-cross buns. They unfortunately didn't have a Halal sticker on them - but I'm just going to go ahead and assume they are Halal. :P

This bakery makes both traditional and chocolate-chip hot-cross buns. I saw them there last year but wasn't brave enough to pick up a batch. This year I did and had a chocolate one earlier today. I was pleasantly surprised. I think I might have used a different brand of chocolate chips but on a whole they are pretty darn yummy. There is a regular hot-cross bun sitting downstairs right now calling my name and as soon as I've blogged I plan to have a lovely cup of decaf coffee and enjoy the bun.

The Little Diva, Hubby and I had an awesome low-key day. I spent some time with the Diva outside in the garden and sandbox while my awesome hubby did out taxes. I think I definitely got the better end of the deal even if I spent a large chuck of time trying to convince a determined little munchkin to keep the sand IN the sandbox. We eventually had to come back inside because little fingers were getting chilly. I'm hoping that the weather doesn't get too cold again any time soon because it is fun to let the Little Diva explore outside!

In other news I am still so freaking stuffy I could contemplate spork removal of sinuses again. I'm wondering if it's time to change the furnace filter or if I really need to do a deep vacuum and dusting of the house. What better excuse for in-depth Spring-cleaning than suspected allergies? Ugh - perhaps I'll have to do that tomorrow. It will definitely be awesome to leave the house on Sunday for Easter brunch with the family and return to a spotless house. Now here's to actually putting that plan into action tomorrow :)

Wish me luck with my spring cleaning and I wish you all a wonderful Easter Weekend.

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