Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 125 - May resolutions!

Whew - WHERE the HECK is this year getting to? We are fast approaching May and then June and then HALF the year will already be gone... eeek! The time is nigh for me to reevaluate my terrible habit of forgetting to exercise. Ugh I have absolutely no staying power when it comes to this - I was really enjoying my pilates and was super bummed when it got canceled. Perhaps I need to find a new work out that I will have to attend and stick to.

So here it is my May resolution: I WILL get my butt on that treadmill at least 5 times a week (unless I sign up for another workout and then I'll subtract some walking) and I will work harder to cut a bunch of sugar and carbs out of my diet.

Just typing that makes me feel better and now I really have to actually do it. Wish me luck!

My little family and I had a blast with Grano and Grandpa today - we had a delicious lunch followed by a lovely walk outside. The Little Diva had a blast and it tired her out good and proper! She is fast asleep and I am off to unwind a bit before bed time.

Happy Sunday to all!

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