Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 123 - Potty training is kicking my ass...

So yes the Little Diva is starting to "get it" - you know the whole peeing in the potty thing. She's just not seeing the big picture yet. I have spent the majority of this week sitting in the washroom entertaining a little pumpkin on her potty and I have got to say that I am a teeny weenie little bit tired. Potty training is not for the faint of heart! I have also come to the conclusion (sitting in the washroom) that we REALLY need to repaint. What were the previous owners thinking when they painted this dinky room a dark horrendous blue?

But wait - I do digress. So I was saying that the Little Diva was starting to get it. Let me explain what I meant by this. At some point this morning she had a wee little accident (pun intended!) in the kitchen and ran to the washroom for a wipe and change of underwear. Once there she wanted to empty the potty into the toilet and flush the loo. I had to try my best to explain that the peepee made in the kitchen didn't miraculously show up in the bathroom.

Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day! I know the Little Diva can get this I just wish I knew how to make it easier for her.

Sweet dreams to all and a big 'ol happy Friday to yas!

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