Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 164 - Butterfly release!

Haha so the little Diva and I went to the play group this morning to join in the releasing of the butterflies! She was so busy playing with her little friends that she completely missed them. Oh well - the running and playing tired her out and she had a lovely long nap so there was really nothing negative about missing the butterflies! I did see some of them escape their confinement and they kind of fluttered to the ground and stayed there - it seemed a little sad to be honest. Poor bugs - I hope some of them fared better!

I have to go wait in line tomorrow to renew my drivers license and I am so, so, so not in the mood. I really hope that the line is short and the little Diva is happy to sit still for however long is required. Ugh - wish me luck!

On that note I do have to scoot - have some other stuff I need to get done. Sweet dreams till tomorrow everyone :)

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