Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 185 - time to regroup!

Whew so it's fair to say that if you realise you are out of bread, milk and cheese all in the space of an evening to the detriment of your morning cereal and coffee that it is time to take a step back and REGROUP! Ugh - yes so the house is cleaner but I seem to have neglected purchasing several key grocery ingredients. The little Diva and I set out this morning to remedy the situation.

We first stopped at Costco where the Diva had a blast trying different cereals and crackers. She was pretty amused by the store and we actually bought one of the cereals she enjoyed. It is a lovely crunch maple corn cereal with all different shapes and sizes to it - it's called Natures Path Sunrise Crunch Maple. I have to admit this mommy thought it was pretty damn yummers too. AND it's Gluten free for all you Celiacs out there!

Anywho so we grabbed milk, bread, cereal and magic eraser's at Costco and we just need to go out later this afternoon to grab some cheese! We came home so the little goober bum could have her nap. It sounds like she is waking up now though so I better skedaddle. Until tomorrow - stay happy!

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