Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 187 - So tired!

We had a really busy day and busy/late evening. The little Diva didn't fall asleep in the car on the way back and instead cried for her bed. She is currently crying in bed, completely over tired with no actual bedtime in sight. UGH.  I also discovered that one of her bedtime toys looks like a demon in the new blue night light. We turn it off once she falls asleep - the light not the demon toy.

 The Little Diva was telling me "OWL SCARY - OWL SCARY - SCARY".... I finally looked at the doll and had to keep from saying a not so pg word and screaming myself. It's eyes were glowing a hideous white blue and looking none too friendly. I quickly took the offending baby out of her bed and assured her she was safe. I'm hoping she tires herself out soon because this is just crazy. I wish there was some magic formula to teach kids to put themselves to sleep... anyone out there have any tips? I feel like bed time traumatizes the entire household.

Anyway let me see if I can convince her to go to sleep. Here's hoping tomorrow is an AWESOME day!

A few renditions of my hauntingly beautiful (Ok yes it's probably more "haunting" than "beautiful") "Twinkle Star" did the trick and she is finally sleeping! Hope she's a less cranky bum in the morning!

:) Happy Saturday to everyone!

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