Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 169 - You're welcome little old lady laughing your ass off...

I was the object of hysterical laughter today and yes it was totally and utterly deserved. I was in the post office at a local Shopper's with the Little Diva to pick up some stamps. We had just been through the Tim Horton's drive through - my tea was waiting in the car and the little Diva was chomping down her two chocolate timbits. The stroller was close to the counter and before I knew it the little Diva had wiped her remaining timbit all along the counter telling me very seriously that it was a "table".

YEP it's a table I said a little off pitch as I grabbed the now hideously contaminated timbit from her sticky fingers and threw it into the bottom of the stroller. It was at this point that I become aware of the little old lady behind me - she is very obviously amused by the situation. I smile at her ans shrug. I calmly explain to the little goober that yes "mommy promises we will go get you a new timbit"... she asked me, "Home Timbit?"... "Yes hun we will be done super quick and then we will go get you another timbit to eat at home".

She seemed happy with this explanation and relaxed. The next thing I know she's rubbed her hands all along the counter and is licking the sticky Timbit residue off of them. I resisted the urge to scream hysterically and simply said, with my voice perhaps a little strained, "Ugh Don't LICK your fingers!!" My mind tried in vain not to imagine the bazillion kids who had probably rubbed their sticky, germy fingers along the same counter - I hoped that by some miracle this counter actually gets wiped at regular intervals!

The lady behind me is laughing hysterically by this point and I can't bring myself to look at her. I pay for my stamps and leave. Yes I know the situation was pretty funny - and if I'm being honest I would probably have laughed even louder if I saw it happen to someone else. I was probably better off letting her eat the timbit - you'd think I'd have the smarts enough to know to move the stroller further from the counter after throwing out timbit. Anyway I'm sure her immune system won't mind the boost!

Being a germaphobe is a real pain in the ass.... I see germs EVERYWHERE - if you sneezed into your hand and then opened a door today - I probably saw you. AND if I saw you I shuddered inside and my internal voice said, "UrgghhhhHHhg GROSSS"

On the way home I went through the Timmies drive though and ordered 2 Timbits. Yup... that is my ENTIRE order.... a lovely whopping 43 cents.

Here's hoping you have an awesomely sticky Timbit-tastic day tomorrow :)

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