Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 190 - YAWN!

So I was right - well sort of - The little Diva woke up at 3:30am and thought it was morning. I couldn't very well blame the girl, she fell asleep at 7pm without having supper and I imagine she was pretty hungry at 3:30am.

So yep she was up, wide awake and super happy so I carried the little goober downstairs and had some decaf tea and leftover chocolate cake (surely calories don't count before 5am?) while she had her milk, porridge and some cheerio's to crunch on. I believe we watched some cartoons downstairs while I almost finished my tea and really started to question the intelligence behind eating cake at that hour.

I decided to take her back upstairs and managed to doze a wee bit while she watched cartoons in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Daddy was finally able to convince the little Divabum that she needed another snooze around 5am. We got another little bit of sleep until 8ish and then our day started. I don't know how many times I yawned but the number is right up there!

We spent a lovely chunk of the day with the Hubby's sister and our awesome nephew at a water park. The little Diva had a BLAST!! She ran and got soaked and dragged mommy and daddy into the water too. It was a lot of fun. Buuut then it was time to head home. We decided to keep the little pumpkin awake a little later tonight as we're not too great at the 3am wake up thing soo we went for a walk and then went to grab some ice cream. Mmmm Baskin Robins. The little Diva was really enjoying my mint choc chip ice cream but when I passed her to daddy (my arm was falling off) she wouldn't give him back his vanilla chocolate chip ice cream. She begrudgingly shared with him and tried to send him back into the store for more once it was done. Super, SUPER, Super Cute.

Then it was time to head home for supper, bath time and bed! Here's wishing everyone an amazing, busy, and happy week!!

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