Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 216 - So tired

We had another lovely, Saturday family outing. We got out in the fresh air and the little Diva got to RUN and RUN and RUN some more. She likes to speed up and then yell, "Slow down!!!" - which is exactly what we yell at her when she does that.... we have become aware that she does in fact not understand what the word "slow" means. We are convinced that her definition runs somewhere along the lines of, "RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!"

She rushes around like a lunatic and gets as messy as is possible for a teeny little human to do... and trust me these little dudes and divas can get DIRTY. If there is sand/gravel/woodchips - heck, ANYTHING dirty - she will be picking it up and moving it places, most likely sprinkling it in her hair in the process too! :D You really have to embrace the chaos!

Kids and their antics are awesome. We had a nice family dinner out and the little Diva scarfed down some fries and blueberries and then sidled over to my tortillas and ate my rice. It was a messy process but we had fun with it!

I'm pretty sure she dipped a finger in my guacamole too but I didn't see her repeat it so who knows what her palate thought of that flavour. Then it was over to Daddy's side where she found some cheese and lettuce. She mostly force fed daddy lettuce and cheese though... lol

Anywho off to bed for me - happy Sunday!!

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