Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 196 - ICE-CREAM!

We got the little Diva her very own ice-cream cone today. Usually she just shares with mommy or daddy but lately it's been a fair bit of work to wrestle our cones back from her so we figured we'd provide her with a whole cone of her own! As can be imagined she was THRILLED. She tucked right in. I was holding her and before long ice-cream was running down her cone, her face, her hands and dripping all over me. I loved every single moment of it. There is something truly magical about a toddler, enjoying ice-cream. The stickier she got the more my heart danced. I remember sticky ice-cream fingers and surroundings when I was a kid. I have the fondest memories of ice-cream with Oupa. The BEST part of Oupa's ice-cream was that it always came before and not after a meal! As I got older there were the milkshake adventures and creme soda floats at home - good, wholesome, happy childhood memories that I look forward to sharing and re-creating with my baby girl.

The little Diva and I were slowly being covered with dripping ice-cream when Daddy's ice-cream decided to jump off his cone. I was in hysterics when he managed to catch it and put it back on the cone. All three of us were now covered in ice-cream standing outside the Baskin and Robbin. I was hysterical - the more I laughed the funnier it got. The little Diva by this point was trying to eat the cone around her ice-cream and actually had some up her nose. I said to hubby, "I bet you're glad I'm holding her!" He agreed - he did already have enough ice-cream all down his arm though from his almost loss!

A customer who went into the B&R after us quickly popped back out with a huge wad of serviettes which I thought was really kind. I guess he figured we were going to need all the help we could with our de-sticky-fication!

At this point the little Diva dropped her cone and promptly stole mine... lol We think her favourite flavour is vanilla chocolate chip but she still had a bunch of my mint chocolate chip while her cone was dripping down her fingers! I will take some of the credit for her love of ice-cream (handed down to me by my oupa), but her Daddy is just as big an ice-cream fan so she has it bad from both sides! Thank goodness ice-cream is filled with all kinds of vitamins and minerals needed to grow strong and healthy! It counts as dairy right? :D 

We stripped the little Diva down to her less sticky onsie and with a whole whack of baby wipes we were able to get most of the ice-cream off our little family. We went home for a lovely walk and then it was time for bath and story books and the little Diva finally nodded off just before 10pm. I guess her late nap, ice-cream sugar high and the awesome summer weather were to blame - but who cares :)

Until next time - enjoy every little moment!

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