Tuesday, July 31, 2012


So, yesterday morning started out with a fun cousin play date. The little Diva and I went to visit her Aunty M and her cousins E and B. We arrived armed with a big box of timbits - which in hindsight was either the best or worst idea ever! :D Best idea because really who doesn't love timbits and sticky excited kids and worst idea because I ate some and I'm trying to shed some pounds. hahaha We had great fun playing and snacking and then eating lunch. The little Diva was super excited because Grano also popped in after work!

Once nap time rolled around I packed the little goober up and set off for home. She slept in the car and for another whole hour once we got home! Then it was time for more food and waiting for Daddy to get home. Once he got home we set off to see Dadoos and Mandada again! Cousin R, Aunty N and Uncle I were there too! The little Diva sure had an awesome day filled with love and family members. She knows only too well where the snack cupboard is at Dadoos' house and happily moved the step stool away from the door to help herself to some Fish crackers, both sweet and savory!!

This morning we had a fun play date with her friend E and a pretty low-key afternoon. It was so cute to watch the two of them together even if the game they decided to play involved pushing each other over in the foam cheer and then saying ""peekaboo" over the chair. We just made sure heads weren't hear hard surfaces!!

There was an INSANE thunderstorm right around the time I was getting the little Diva down for her nap which meant that took a fair bit longer than usual. She eventually fell asleep and slept though some of the craziest thunder I've heard here.

She's almost asleep for the evening and I think the hubby and I will snuggle up to watch a movie soon - we need to do some unwinding it's been that kind of week. It's only Tuesday but already we need another weekend!!

Tomorrow the little Diva and I have a play date at a splash pad - I predict all manner of fun!

Happy Wednesday everyone :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

218 - YAWN

It's been a long, sticky, sugary, fun, family filled day and this mommy needs to unwind so she can get some sleep! Stay tuned for updates from today tomorrow.  (:D) We spent the morning with my sis-in-law and 2 of the little Diva's cousins and this evening was spent with Dadoos, Mandada and another sis and bro-in-law and another cousin for the little Diva!

Happy Tuesday Everyone! :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 217 - What an amazing weekend!

We went to the airport today to pick up Dadoos and Mandada this afternoon! It was so lovely to see them again - the little Diva was super impressed and on the way back to the car kept looking back to tell Dadoos, "Dadoos WALK, Dadoos come!!" She was making super, doubly sure that they were coming home and not staying at the airport!!

We stopped by their house and had some tea before heading home so that they could get some sleep. Here's hoping the jet lag doesn't treat them too badly. We will go over there tomorrow evening for dinner and a visit. I'm sure the Little Diva will be in her element - seeing grandparents two days in a row is definitely a treat!!

I got a gorgeous pair of earrings from Dadoos and I can't wait to wear them - I had to stop the little Diva from running off with them... hehe cause I know if that happened I'd probably only be left with one :D

Anywho it has been a long and busy weekend and I have some cookies to go pack up. We have a really busy week planned starting with a playdate with the little Diva's cousins, E and B tomorrow morning. I am looking forward to seeing the Sis-in-law for a lovely chat while the kiddies play!

Happy Monday folks - may your week be happy and all kinds of fantastic!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 216 - So tired

We had another lovely, Saturday family outing. We got out in the fresh air and the little Diva got to RUN and RUN and RUN some more. She likes to speed up and then yell, "Slow down!!!" - which is exactly what we yell at her when she does that.... we have become aware that she does in fact not understand what the word "slow" means. We are convinced that her definition runs somewhere along the lines of, "RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!"

She rushes around like a lunatic and gets as messy as is possible for a teeny little human to do... and trust me these little dudes and divas can get DIRTY. If there is sand/gravel/woodchips - heck, ANYTHING dirty - she will be picking it up and moving it places, most likely sprinkling it in her hair in the process too! :D You really have to embrace the chaos!

Kids and their antics are awesome. We had a nice family dinner out and the little Diva scarfed down some fries and blueberries and then sidled over to my tortillas and ate my rice. It was a messy process but we had fun with it!

I'm pretty sure she dipped a finger in my guacamole too but I didn't see her repeat it so who knows what her palate thought of that flavour. Then it was over to Daddy's side where she found some cheese and lettuce. She mostly force fed daddy lettuce and cheese though... lol

Anywho off to bed for me - happy Sunday!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 215 - Shopping with two of my favourite people!

I had a wonderful day shopping with my little goober and my awesome mommy! We had fun at the mall and fun at home and really just all round all kinds of fun. The little Diva didn't have much of a nap so we ended up sticking around later so that we could just feed her supper, bath her and then let her fall asleep on the drive home. This meant that we also got to hang out with my awesome dad, aka Grandpa when he got home from work! The little Munchkin had SO much fun today. She ate cookies, ran outside, ran in the mall, got to play with Misty, but mostly she was just d]so freaking happy to get to hang out with her grandparentals.

Here's to a love filled weekend for everyone!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 214 - Frustrations...

So yesterday my cat decided to relieve himself on our bed. Right next to my pajamas. It really is hard not to take this as a big giant "FU". Sigh. I think I get it - he's probably jealous of the Little Diva. It used to be just me and him - him and I? Then Mr. Kitty came along, then Mr. Hubby (Mr. Hubby bought him but didn't live in the same city as us in the beginning!) and then the little Diva. He is not a fan of change so any little disruption to our routine and the poor guy is thrown for a loop. What I've learned is that toddlers come with LOTS of disruptions. Perhaps the terrible two's are the "terrifying two's" to him? Who knows.

We have spent the last 4 or 5 months TRYING to figure out what on earth is upsetting him. We have switched the litter, moved the litter box, tried different food, used rescue remedy, been to the vet twice, tried letting him out in the back yard more, gave him more attention and brushed him more. Nothing seems to be working.

He ended yesterday by rushing up the stairs and pooping all over the place. It's got to the point where we cant keep pretending it's getting better because it isn't. We have posted photo's of him and are asking everyone we know if they or someone they know are able to provide him a home. The shelters here are all full and don't even answer their phones/respond to voice mail requests for information and help.

My sister in South Africa has said she would take our little "pooper". We are looking into what that would entail in the event that we can't find him a home in the next few days. Who knows maybe the freedom to come and go as he pleases in SA will suit him better? Will he be more traumatized? Will he survive the stress of the flight? If we at least send him somewhere where he has a chance to be happy and loved and love right back then surely we are doing the right thing?

At least I hope we are...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 213 - Sad :(

We are in the process of finding my cat a new home. I am heartbroken but I know it's the right thing to do. He is obviously unhappy and it is causing my little family a whole lot of heartache. We have tried everything - it has been months now. All we keep hearing is that he is healthy just stressed. Hopefully he will find happiness with a new family.

Hopefully I will have something more inspiring to type tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 212 - Grilled Cheese!

The little Diva is currently napping after a fun filled morning with her little friend "E"! His mommy bought some super yummy brownies for tea. They were delicious and moist and chocolatey and also super sneaky because they contained spinach and blue berries!! I will be baking some as soon as I get the recipe because sneaking veggies into the little Diva sounds like a super plan. I wish I could get her to snap out of her fussiness but like the hubby says at least she actually tastes new foods - you know, tastes it before spitting it out and announcing, "I no YIKE IT!!"

When she wakes up I'm going to attempt to feed her a grilled cheese sandwich with some cut veggies on the side. She enjoyed the grilled cheese at the farm a week ago but who knows if mommy's "home cooked" version will make the cut! Only one way to find out right? Wish me luck.

Then we need to go pick up a parcel at the post office, grab some cheese and an envelope to mail aunty "M" in South Africa a present... hehe

until tomorrow - take care ya'all!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 211 - Where does the day go?

Also, why do I feel like I'm constantly grocery shopping? It drives me nuts how every day there is something else that has run out and I need to go out and get it. I would LOVE to be super organized with meal plans and once a month big grocery shopping trips. You know, so that I'd only have to worry about bread and milk and fresh fruit once a week. Is this a legitimate wish? Are people capable of planning like this?

hehe Well I most certainly HOPE so because I NEEEED to get better at this for my own sanity. The little Diva and I started the day with a trip to the grocery store. Armed with her timbits and my tea we quickly grabbed what we needed and headed back home. The little Diva was fast asleep by the time we got back so I put her in her bed and had lunch. Once she was up she had lunch and then we did some drawing with markers. She is getting really good with her scribbles!! I love her little pictures especially when she tells me what she's drawing.

We spent 20 minutes walking around and around through the kitchen, dining room and the living room. The little Diva was carrying her bucket and made sure I KEPT following her around and around. There was lots of giggling and running and just plain old fun. I had a blast :)

We also spent a little bit of time outside drawing with sidewalk chalk but even 20 minutes out there was enough to have the little Diva with rosy red cheeks and a sweaty little face! She was super happy when daddy got home, we had supper, did some winding down and she is finally sleeping!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 210 - Need a weekend after my weekend!

We took the little Diva to the Butterfly Conservatory yesterday and all had a freaking blast. I had been wanting to go for ages and we finally just decided - basically spur of the moment just to go. It was quite a drive but we kept the little goober occupied with books and her LeapPad (LOVE this thing!).

The conservatory experience was pretty freaking magical. Gorgeous landscaping and hundreds of butterflies floating, drifting and landing softly everywhere you look. I loved it - so did the little diva (for the most part). She was so excited and ran around pointing at butterflies - I was a little terrified that she was going to squash one, but thankfully that didn't happen!

The little Diva was not entirely happy when the butterflies flew too close to her face though. They had the tendency to "swarm" every now and then. At one point she flapped her hands wildly and told daddy, "Bussaflies SCARY!!" She is too freaking cute. <3

We spent a little bit of time looking at the flower outside and then it was time to grab a bite before heading back home. The little Diva LOVED her fries - they took some time getting to the table and she kept asking us where they were. You could just tell how important she felt drinking her milk and eating her supper out with her mommy and daddy.  We stopped for coffee and then it was time to head back home. The little Diva fell asleep in the car and slept till 8:20 this morning. It's 10:41pm and the little Diva has been asleep for almost 30minutes so I'm anticipating a late start for tomorrow (not complaining though! :D) Her 2 and a half hour nap today at 1:30pm is likely to blame for her night-owl behaviour so we will try start that nap earlier tomorrow.

I'm going to end off here though - True Blood is on and I'm super sleepy. I hope that everyone had an AMAZING weekend!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 209 - Summer fun

"Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." - Henry James

"Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world." - Ada Louise Huxtable

Stay tuned for an update on our fun summer day tomorrow :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 208 - Grano :D

The little Diva and I had a lovely visit with Grano. For the first time in a LONG, LONG time we just stayed home and enjoyed each others company. A BIIIG chunk of the visit was spent sitting in the washroom with the little Diva, trying to convince her BEGGING her to pee on her potty! This kid has INCREDIBLE stamina - if she's convinced she's NOT doing something you REALLY have your work cut out for you if you're convinced she IS doing it. It's going to be good for her in the long run as it definitely is a positive personality trait - it's just a little hard to deal with when you're potty training - amongst other things...

Anyway she sat on the potty for what seemed like FOREVER and then we had to give up because the poor girl was falling asleep and needing her nap.

Fast-forward to bath time and the little punk wouldn't get OFF her potty cause she wanted to watch TV... lol oh ya can't win sometimes!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 207 - Sunflowers :)

The little Diva and I went to a play group this morning and had all kinds of fun. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fact that she's finally starting to show an interest in 'circle time'. She actually did some of the actions, clapped and jumped around like a wild thing. Made my heart so happy. She also kept asking for "more music" when the songs ended - so I think we will need to start playing more music at home for sure!

We did a quick stop at the grocery store and I grabbed a lovely big bunch of sunflowers. They are sitting in the room here with me and look oh so summery! They also make me think of fall a bit though and I'm not ready for that so we will focus on summery!!

I don't really have plans for the rest of the afternoon other than to have fun with the little goober and work on potty training some more. She is VERY resistant to the process for some reason and I'm trying to make it fun so we will see how today goes. I'm hoping for WELL!

We are looking forward to Grano's visit tomorrow :) Happy Friday everyone.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 206 - Haunting!

I am being HAUNTED.

Ok, perhaps haunted isn't the correct word... let's try this again.

I am being STALKED.

Hmm, it's not entirely effective enough but it will do. For the longest time I have had a book/books in the back of my head. I tend to get some writing done and the voices quieten down some. But, it has been a while and they are back with a vengeance. The voices are my characters and they are loudly begging for their story to be told. So I think it has to be done. Here's to writing something worth publishing before this year is out. I have a giant chunk of the story already down - I just need to give it more direction and a good spot to end before book two starts!


The little Diva and I spent a lovely morning with a group of her little friends and their mommy's at the farm. The kiddies saw the animals, played in the maze and LOVED the wagon ride. We had a yummy lunch of a grilled cheese sandwich which the little diva actually nibbled at. YAY! I think her food fussiness is getting a little better :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 205 - Toddler Playdates!

The little Diva had a play date with her friend "E" this morning. I'm not sure if it's the hot weather, the age or maybe they're both teething but they were sure feeding off each others energy! There were a few squabbles about sharing, some complaining about snacks and a lot of beating up on the kitties! hehe All in all though it was a really fun morning. They did more playing than complaining and that was the main thing. At one point I put on the TV so that they could watch an episode of Thomas and they stood there together yelling excitedly at the TV. Too freaking cute!

The little Diva was pretty tired after the playdate and has been sleeping for almost 2 hours already. I had enough time to eat lunch, fold a gazillion piles of laundry and now I'm getting my blog done early too - yay!! I plan to get on some tofu and veggies for supper a little later and I'm contemplating taking her to the mall or waiting for Daddy to come home and then take her. At least there it is air conditioned and she can run off some of her energy.

We were supposed to let the kids play in the sandbox this morning but it is WAY too freaking hot out there. It is currently 36 and feels like 45 with the humidity. We have a thunderstorm watch and I'm almost hoping it happens soon and cools things down so we can spend time outside. Anyway I'm going to end off here and see if I can get some more cleaning done before my gorgeous baby girl is up for some lunch and more fun!

Until tomorrow - take care :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 204 - YAWNERS!

I really, REALLY, REALLY need to start making myself get to bed earlier. By the time the little Diva wanders into our room looking for milk and cereal I am so not ready to get up yet! Sometimes she stumbles in REALLY REALLY early and we can sneak her back into her bed for another hour or so... but if she's asked for milk it's pretty much a done deal and it means Mommy is getting up!

It is 10:44pm already and I don't see me getting to sleep anytime soon... hehe Anyway I do need to do an Urdu lesson. We subscribed to Rosetta Stone's online lessons and it really is pretty neat. I would LOVE to be fluent in Urdu so that I can keep up at family functions on my hubby's side. I'll be off to get a wee bit edumucated and bid you all a pleasant evening!

Happy Tuesday :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 203 - Trespassers will be eaten!

We took a lovely drive yesterday with Grano and Grandpa to spend the day at African Lion Safari. We HAD A BLAST. The little Diva couldn't get enough of the animals and we couldn't get enough of her enjoyment at seeing the animals. It was sweltering hot but oh so fun. We saw animals, ate ice-cream, chased seagulls and just enjoyed each others company. The little Diva likes to bit the bottom of her ice-cream cones and so she was a big stick mess by the end of the day and so was daddy!

After the excitement of the animals we decided to go out for supper and discovered that the little Diva loves calamari! She tucked in to the starter right along with the rest of us. I thought it was hilarious that the "Small order" of fries I asked for for the little Diva came with 4 individual bowls of ketchup and was big enough to feed us all. It was a really amusing addition to the table. Just after my burger arrived the little Diva decided to throw a mini tantrum and put her foot in my fries. I don't really know how she got it up there but she did and I was THRILLED to discover the shoe had goose poop under it. I swiftly got rid of the contaminated fries and proceeded to enjoy the meal. The little Diva was soon colouring and eating again and we got to enjoy our food!

Then it was back to Grano and Grandpa's to bath the sticky little Diva. And then it was time for the dessert we'd grabbed at the restaurant and some tea and coffee. It was after 9pm and the little gumdrop was till bouncing around but it was time to go home. She fell asleep pretty quickly on the drove home though and slept right through to 8am!

Here's to an awesome week!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 201 - Midday nap = Endangered Species?

The Little Diva and I had a fantastic day with Granno. We started it off with a really scrumptious breakfast at a new restaurant. The Little Diva, Grano and I had a blast! The breakfast was yummy, the company awesome and no one threw a tantrum! YAY!! Then we had some fun at the pet store before a quick stop at the grocery store and then back to Granos for some fun.

The little Diva and Misty had fun up until the point divabum thought throwing a block at Misty would be a good idea. Poor kitty was NOT impressed. Grano and I then tried for well over an hour to get The diva to take a nap but apparently that wasn't going to happen. I am a little saddened that my little princess might be out-growing her day time nap. She did fall asleep on the way home though and finally got to sleep now at 9:30ish. 

I also picked up some gluten-free brownie mix that claims to be "life altering". We will have to bake some and try them. I will keep you posted on when that happens and whether or not they were yummy.

Here's to a super awesome weekend!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 200 - Whew!

Thank goodness for nasal sprays. I'm all kinds of snotty and it's leading to a sore throat which is making me a wee bit unhappy. My doctor suggested sending me for allergy testing and I'm a bit skeptical. All I've heard from people is that they went for testing and found out they were allergic to EVERYTHING - ok so not really - but the list tends to be huge and not practical. Also if one finds out one is allergic to "dust" then there's really not much you can do about it. They don't make hazmat suits for everyday living (not that I'm aware of anyway). Part of me is curious as to what this test will tell me.... maybe I should avoid dairy, or cats? Haha I think I might have to go!

In other news the little Diva and I spent a chunk of time waiting for a package. She went down for her nap with very little complaint which was a LOT easier than normal and made me all kinds of happy! Yay she's finally getting it!! (We won't mention how bedtime went though...) When she woke up it was time for lunch, errands and back home to do some painting after a quick stop in the sweltering park! It was hot and humid out there so I was all for artistic expression if it brought us back inside. Thankfully paint wipes off floors pretty easily!

Happy Friday Everyone!! :D

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DAy 199 - Playing, Painting more playing and SAND!

The little Diva and I had a fun day - for the most part! We went to play at the play group this morning which was a fun way for her to blow off some steam. Then we came home for nap time and THEN it was time to paint. She made WAY less mess than I thought and thankfully neither of us ended painting the couch or ceiling. There was a wall that got a wee bit painted and scribbled on with chalk - but it was nothing a few wet-wipes couldn't fix!

We also spent time playing in her sandbox but after she started throwing sand at mommy it was time to come back inside - boy was that a tantrum and a half!

We tried going diaper-less again today but this kid really doesn't want to use the potty. When she did wet her underwear and I called her out on it the conversation went like this:

Me, "honey I think you peed in your panties, mommy needs to change you - you're all wet!"

Her: "No, No, No peepee in panties... no no"

Right, and then the tantrum starts. I guess potty breaks are just too distracting to her fun day? Oh well tomorrow is another day and apparently we missed a package so sticking close to home isn't a bad idea! Here's hoping for potty training success tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 198 - Boerewors!

"Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying and confusing."

I read this on a Facebook page today and couldn't stop giggling. If I had milk in my mouth it would have come out my nose. So this is why you HAD to read it too! Now imagine me yelling that I love you in German. Also imagine if you will that I am wielding a vacuum cleaner and that it is on and making that horrible strangled, clicking noise when you know it's sucked up something you shouldn't have left lying on the floor. There - do you feel the love and terror? yes? GOOD then my job is done! :D

Anyway the little Diva and I had a pretty low-key day. We started out the day by grabbing some South African produce - YAY! We have biltong and boerewors and that makes me happy. Something about borewoes conjures up images of South African summers. I resisted the urge to stock up on cookies and chocolate because we have two wedding to go to in September and we plan to look good! We also did some driveway art and some watering/drowning of the flowers in the front. The little Diva also enjoyed watering her own toes and her mommy immensely! One of our neighbors was laughing hysterically after I got completely soaked.

Until tomorrow - eat yer veggies!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 197 - Hmmm

It's another lovely day here in our corner of the universe. The little Diva is taking her nap and I've managed to reply to two emails from friends. I really do need to make more of an effort to keep in touch with people. Making new friends as an adult is hard. It's not like you can wander over with a toy and ask a random stranger if they want to play with you. You are almost guaranteed a nice blast of pepper spray to the eyes.

Having a kid though does help. It comes as no surprise that other parents with kids are looking for other parent friends with kiddies. The play date definitely has merit!

Anywho stay posted for more fun and chaos tomorrow I need to scoot here - happy Tuesday!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day 196 - ICE-CREAM!

We got the little Diva her very own ice-cream cone today. Usually she just shares with mommy or daddy but lately it's been a fair bit of work to wrestle our cones back from her so we figured we'd provide her with a whole cone of her own! As can be imagined she was THRILLED. She tucked right in. I was holding her and before long ice-cream was running down her cone, her face, her hands and dripping all over me. I loved every single moment of it. There is something truly magical about a toddler, enjoying ice-cream. The stickier she got the more my heart danced. I remember sticky ice-cream fingers and surroundings when I was a kid. I have the fondest memories of ice-cream with Oupa. The BEST part of Oupa's ice-cream was that it always came before and not after a meal! As I got older there were the milkshake adventures and creme soda floats at home - good, wholesome, happy childhood memories that I look forward to sharing and re-creating with my baby girl.

The little Diva and I were slowly being covered with dripping ice-cream when Daddy's ice-cream decided to jump off his cone. I was in hysterics when he managed to catch it and put it back on the cone. All three of us were now covered in ice-cream standing outside the Baskin and Robbin. I was hysterical - the more I laughed the funnier it got. The little Diva by this point was trying to eat the cone around her ice-cream and actually had some up her nose. I said to hubby, "I bet you're glad I'm holding her!" He agreed - he did already have enough ice-cream all down his arm though from his almost loss!

A customer who went into the B&R after us quickly popped back out with a huge wad of serviettes which I thought was really kind. I guess he figured we were going to need all the help we could with our de-sticky-fication!

At this point the little Diva dropped her cone and promptly stole mine... lol We think her favourite flavour is vanilla chocolate chip but she still had a bunch of my mint chocolate chip while her cone was dripping down her fingers! I will take some of the credit for her love of ice-cream (handed down to me by my oupa), but her Daddy is just as big an ice-cream fan so she has it bad from both sides! Thank goodness ice-cream is filled with all kinds of vitamins and minerals needed to grow strong and healthy! It counts as dairy right? :D 

We stripped the little Diva down to her less sticky onsie and with a whole whack of baby wipes we were able to get most of the ice-cream off our little family. We went home for a lovely walk and then it was time for bath and story books and the little Diva finally nodded off just before 10pm. I guess her late nap, ice-cream sugar high and the awesome summer weather were to blame - but who cares :)

Until next time - enjoy every little moment!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 195 -

The mathematical probability of a common cat doing exactly as it pleases is the one scientific absolute in the world. - Lynn M. Osband 

If cats could talk, they wouldn't.- Nan Porter 

A cat is a puzzle for which there is no solution.- Hazel Nicholson

Those are my quotes to sum up today. I took JubJub to the vet and our next plan of attack is to take him to their larger facility this week to do a urinalysis. I am really hoping that this is all it turns out to be so that we can medicate him and all get on with our lives. We are basically trying to figure out if the problem is medical or if it is a behavioral issue. I know it sounds a little crazy but we are rooting for a fixable medical issue.

We spoke about behavioral modification drugs if the problem turns out to be non medical but the list of possible side effects are not good. They include liver damage, changing kitties personality for the worst and potentially not working at all.

It is breaking my heart but the more I think about it the more I know that it won't be fair to JubJub to drug him to try and fix his behaviour. I can't think about the possibility of finding him a new home without my eyes welling up but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. He needs to be happy and so do we. If he needs to move on - we need to let him.  


Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 194 - Swimming

The little Diva and I tried to go swimming this morning. It was sweltering hot out there - she was tired and I figured we'd get in a swim and then head home for a nap. I was not impressed to find out that the fun swim time had been switched to later in the afternoon. I felt like the meanest mommy ever quickly changing her out of her bathing suit and strapping my crying toddler back into her car seat and promising to bring her swimming later.

She fells asleep within 5 minutes of leaving the pool and so I took her home for a nap. Once she woke up we had lunch and we got ready to go swimming yet again. This time we got there and there was actually swimming to be had! The pool was choc-a-bloc full but we had a blast. The little Diva found a fish and spent a good chunk of time throwing it in to the pool - fetching it and getting back to the edge to chuck it back in!

She tried to climb out of the pool after about 40 minutes and when I asked if she wanted to go home I got a definite, "HOME!". She did requests, "milk and fries some" and so I decided I would comply. We went home for milk and fries and then there was chalk drawing on the driveway until Daddy got home.

All in all a GREAT afternoon - we did miss Grano today though :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 193 - Hysterical Crying and No needles!

The Little Diva does NOT like doctors, or hospitals or really any medical type place. She gets all anxious looking whenever we go to these places - and I guess who can blame her with all of the poking and prodding and testing she endured when she was born 3 months early. I had to take her for her yearly check up and she was fine right up to the point where I asked her to step on the scale. Then the hysterical crying started. We finally got her to "sit" in the baby scale and got a measurement. She really does know how to play the drama queen!

We then waited in the room to see her doctor. The little Diva was fine until we needed her to lie down to measure her. The hysterical crying and flailing started up again and I actually had to hold her arms down so the doctor could listen to get chest. Poor girl. Luckily it was all over pretty quick once the doc got there and we were able to go home! She is doing well and growing awesomely - in the 15th percentile for her real age - yay!!

Until tomorrow - take care :D

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 192 - Fun on the Farm!

The little Diva and I spent another fun morning on the farm with a bunch of her cousins and friends and some new friends. Most of us arrived a little late but that didn't stop us from having fun. The kiddies ran around like crazy - some through the corn maze, others played in the sand box and I have to admit I'm not sure what some of the other kiddies were up to - it was hard to keep track of all of the mommies and kiddies.

My little Goober was super excited to go check on the bunnies again this time and she was back in the corn maze in a flash! I was surprised that she actually remembered the place when I pulled into the parking lot. I wasn't aware she could see too much from her vantage point in the back seat but she looked around and told me, "Aunty M". She remembered that's who we hung out with here last time and she was super excited that Aunty M was there again today!

We spent some time playing in the maze and looking at the animals and then it was time for the Wagon ride. They little Diva LOVED the ride again. I don't know what it is about wagon rides but they cause my little monster to SIT STILL!! She loves it! I guess maybe it's the rythmic rocking of the wagon that makes them feel sleepy - even her little buddy "E" was getting a little quiet as we neared the end of the ride.

We hung around for a snack and then it was time to head home. The little Diva and I went to a petstore this afternoon and grabbed a black light to help find where JubJub has had his accidents. Looks like there were 2 small spots I missed with my last crazy clean up so here's hoping this fixes it!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 191 - Too tired to type!

I am going to have to hold off on typing up a storm tonight. We were at Dadoos and Mandada's tonight and had a blast. Unfortunately though we got home super late and now that I've done all my chores I am bushed and needing my sleep. It is 12:17am and it feels like 2am... apparently we are still catching up from the Diva's 3am wake up a few days ago - man I feel old....hehe

Sweet dreams everyone!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 190 - YAWN!

So I was right - well sort of - The little Diva woke up at 3:30am and thought it was morning. I couldn't very well blame the girl, she fell asleep at 7pm without having supper and I imagine she was pretty hungry at 3:30am.

So yep she was up, wide awake and super happy so I carried the little goober downstairs and had some decaf tea and leftover chocolate cake (surely calories don't count before 5am?) while she had her milk, porridge and some cheerio's to crunch on. I believe we watched some cartoons downstairs while I almost finished my tea and really started to question the intelligence behind eating cake at that hour.

I decided to take her back upstairs and managed to doze a wee bit while she watched cartoons in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Daddy was finally able to convince the little Divabum that she needed another snooze around 5am. We got another little bit of sleep until 8ish and then our day started. I don't know how many times I yawned but the number is right up there!

We spent a lovely chunk of the day with the Hubby's sister and our awesome nephew at a water park. The little Diva had a BLAST!! She ran and got soaked and dragged mommy and daddy into the water too. It was a lot of fun. Buuut then it was time to head home. We decided to keep the little pumpkin awake a little later tonight as we're not too great at the 3am wake up thing soo we went for a walk and then went to grab some ice cream. Mmmm Baskin Robins. The little Diva was really enjoying my mint choc chip ice cream but when I passed her to daddy (my arm was falling off) she wouldn't give him back his vanilla chocolate chip ice cream. She begrudgingly shared with him and tried to send him back into the store for more once it was done. Super, SUPER, Super Cute.

Then it was time to head home for supper, bath time and bed! Here's wishing everyone an amazing, busy, and happy week!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 189 - Red Velvet Cupcakes for Canada Day!!

We had a lovely day today even though I spent a chunk of it cleaning the basement while the little Diva slept. I vacuumed and then spot treated areas where JubJub has had accidents and THEN I steam cleaned the entire carpet. To make double sure that everything was clean I also swept and swiffered the carpet free areas. I picked up anything that could potentially get peed in and now we hope for the best. The basement smells AMAZING and I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that this clean up helps the cat to re-find his litterbox. Our vet says he is healthy, just highly strung. If this plan doesn't work we will have to confine him to a room with his litter box, food etc. until he figures out that he has to do his business in his litter box. Ugh enough with all of the grossness.

My little family all wore red today and as it was my first official Canada Day as a Canadian that was pretty darn awesome! I decided to finally bake a batch of Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese icing (for Canada Day) and they turned out awesomely!! I didn't have enough red food colouring but they were still pretty red. Red, chocolatey and Mmmm gotta love Cream Cheese icing!

We had Dadoos, Mandada and Cousin R come over to take the Little Diva to see the Canada Day Fireworks but she fells asleep around 7 on the way back from the mall and she slept right through them. We kept waiting and wondering if she would get up in time for us to all go see the show but she didn't and everyone eventually just went home after supper. Hopefully they weren't too dissapointed - The little Diva will enjoy the fireworks more next year anyway!!

Anywho I have a feeling she's going to wake up around midnight needing her supper so I better go wind down and get some rest myself.

Here's hoping everyone had a TRULY wonderful Canada Day! Here's to having a vacation Monday too :D