Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 250 - Oh that's where that went....

Several days ago I had JUST given the little diva a sippy cup when she asked me for it again. I looked EVERYWHERE... ok well not "everywhere" because if I had I would have found it as the damn thing didn't technically vanish into thin air. I searched in all of the "usual" places and some of the not so usual places and finally just gave her a new cup knowing full well that the old one would turn up sooner than later.

It did.

I almost wish it hadn't.

I found it this afternoon when I opened the cupboard to grab a big serving plate. There it was sitting peacefully on top of the plates just above the K-Cups. I somehow missed the Diva stashing it there. She needed her hands free to quickly help herself to some K-Cups when I opened the cupboard to grab a bowl several days ago. She likes to shake the K-Cups and then leave them in random places for me to discover and brew at my leisure.

The milk in this cup no longer looks like milk. It is, in fact, pretty damn terrifying-looking (yes we are going to pretend that "terrifying-looking" is a good and useful literary description). I haven't decided the fate of this cup yet but I think my inner "germ-a-phobe" is going to throw it out. Hell I'm scared the content will jump out and devour our cat if I open the bottle. Once it's ingested the cat it may turn on me - I'm not sure that is a risk I'm willing to take.

Hints, tips? Would you wash or chuck this monstrosity. My best guesstimates suggest that the cup has been in there for 2 or 3 days. I would post a picture but I'd hate to be responsible for you having to clean vomit out of your keyboards.

On that slimy, curdled and wholly unappetizing note I wish everyone a very happy long weekend.

YAY for Monday's spent lazily with family :D

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 249 - Shopping success - well partly!

We had a lovely/crazy/busy/tantrum/giggle/smile filled day! Yep all of these things can and do happen on a daily basis. First off my brother stopped in for lunch this morning which was great - the little Diva loves hanging out with her uncle M! He was definitely not allowed to drink his coffee more than he gave her snuggles.

Then I TRIED and TRIED to convince the Diva to take a nap. She assured me that I was stark raving mad and got progressively more and more tantrummy as the afternoon progressed. When Dadoos arrived to go shopping with us she promptly fell asleep in the car as soon as we got going. It's just as well I have no sense of direction and took a lot longer to get there that any normal-directioned person would - she got a semi-short-but-decent nap in.

She was quite the little monster while we shopped. She wouldn't let anyone but mommy hold her so trying on things resulted in some screeching. I did manage to get two lovely outfits though and when we go look for the last one on Sunday she will stay home and hang out with daddy!

Happy Friday folks - Long weekend here we come!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 248 - Happiness :)

It's late and I'm way too sleepy to be typing so here's a quote to mull over - onward and upward to a more positive attitude folks! No not what I just typed there.. the line below ->

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
- Mahatma Ganghi

Also  - Happy Thursday - I'm going shopping with my mom in law and my little Diva tomorrow - gonna be fun!! :D

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 247 - Better day :)

So today went pretty well - the little Diva and I stayed home and took it easy. We really didn't do too much of anything - there was WAY too much TV watching and not enough "potty time!" The little Diva is still WAY more snugly than usual. She often want hugs; but when she's not feeling well she wants them even more and I don't blame her - when I feel crappy I want hugs too! We have plans to meet up at a park with three of her little friends tomorrow morning so I'm hoping we have another good night and a happy little Diva in the morning so that we can go ahead with those plans.

I don't have too much more to type - I'm pretty tired and hoping that tomorrow brings a GREAT day. Who knows I might bake something gluten free and yummy if the mood strikes.

Until tomorrow Happy Wednesday people - seriously though where has the week gone!?!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 246 - BARF

Our poor little Diva has thrown up twice tonight. She's asleep now and I'm hoping she has a good night and wakes up feeling better. I hate how helpless I feel when the Little Diva isn't feeling well. There's not much you can do except clean up the barf and offer a nice warm bath and a hug. We're just trying to make sure she keeps drinking fluids and hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

if you'll excuse me I need to go make some tea and study some Urdu before bed :)

Happy Tuesday folks!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 245 - Not in the mood to type!

There I said it. I'm not in the blogging mood today. I have a dishwasher waiting to be unpacked and then packed, laundry waiting to be thrown into the dryer and more waiting to be folded and lets not forget the messy kitchen.  *SIGH* so much for my plan to get the house tidy today. It's Sunday night and the house is probably messier than it was yesterday. Here's hoping I get some energy and just get it done tomorrow. Wish me luck or show up with a broom... :D

 I found this quote on Facebook while wasting the time I should have been using to clean. It applies to life in general and I need to take this advice:

You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen. - Kody Keplinger

Happy Monday :) May your week ahead bring sunshine and happiness!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

DAy 244 - Bon Voyage JubJub

I can't believe it but our kitty is sitting at the Airport waiting to board his flight. He has one stop over where he will spend the night at a cat hotel before continuing on to South Africa. He will be dropped off at my sister's home on Monday. I hope and pray that the little furry bugger is happy there. He better be - my sister is awesome, and if anyone is going to love our little pooper as much, if not more than we do, it would be her!


Okay so I wrote that HOURS ago... after cleaning the toys downstairs I came up to blog and the little Diva decided nap time was over. Just as well - I needed a snuggle with my little goober. We had a good day - despite the fact that I felt sad that JubJub was actually leaving the country today. A small part of me kept wishing there was something we could have done - today just felt a little "final". I am glad though that he is on his way and we have done what we can to give him a better home.

I'm thinking tomorrow needs to be a low-key day. I need to clean and get the house re-set for the week ahead.

Happy Sunday everyone :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 243 - Been a long week....

We've had a pretty long week over in our corner of the world. Long in the sense that we are feeling a little under the weather and tantrummy - stuffy sinuses will do this to ya! Mommy and Daddy aren't doing the tantrums; although judging by how happy the little Diva is AFTER her tantrums perhaps they are worth trying?

Yep so if you happen to be in a grocery store over the weekend and see a full grown woman throwing a fit - INCLUDING floor rolling and kicking you can bet that she is probably me. The fear of being arrested for causing a "public disturbance" will probably keep me from putting this experiment into practice though.

If you'll excuse me I'm going to scoot here - I need to make sure the towels are clean for JubJub's flight to South Africa tomorrow.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 242 - Tired

Whew - What a tantrum filled day. The Little Diva definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Don't get me wrong though she was her happy self for most of the day - it's just that when she was unhappy she was REALLY, REALLY unhappy!

We had a ridiculous sized tantrum in the mall today and then an even bigger one when we were home and getting ready to go Dadoos and Mandada this evening. For whatever reason the little Diva has decided that she hates her runners and wants to wear her sandals. The problem though is that the runners are specially modified to help with her toe walking and the sandals are not. Oi!

So after that day I'm pretty darn pooped and I'm heading to bed.

Happy Frikken Friday Folks!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DAY 241 - Dieting and Baking?!

I am in the mood to bake. I am resisting though because I am also following my diet strictly again - I have two weddings to go to in September and I intend to fit into my outfits. I want to be a "yummy-mummy" not a ... ummm whatever the opposite of that is? A not-yummy-mummy, a yucky-mummy? Oh forget it - all I want to do is lay off the junkfood for a while and for that reason ALL I can think of is carbs, yummy carbs filled with gluten, fat, sugar and more carbs. BLEAGH.... ok I need to FOCUS. Perhaps a cup of carrot sticks will distract me for a little while.

Either way though I do need  to try bake more Gluten-free things in future. With the correct recipes they can be surprisingly good. Gluten-free though does not mean "healthy" or "low-fat". I'm currently sitting on a recipe for the most divine sounding gluten-free almond chocolate balls but I think I may have to stall for a while because if they are as yummy as they sound I will basically have to give them away as soon as I've eaten one or risk eating them all! LOL

My little Goober and I had a fun day at the farm and this mommy is now super-duper exhausted. The Diva woke up several times early this morning.  Daddy got up to put her back in bed (thank you so much!) but I still must have woken up because my eyes are burning and I feel like I'm going on four hours of sleep!

I'm sure her waking up so much had to do with the fact that she didn't have a nap yesterday. She was up all day and got pretty cranky in the afternoon. She almost fells asleep when I carried her downstairs after playing in her room for a while and there was some serious eye blinking while eating supper. We wanted to avoid having her fall asleep too early so we went for a walk after supper. The poor kid was hysterical by the time we had her ready for bed. I guess she really isn't ready to drop the daily nap.

Here's hoping for a better night tonight!

Happy Thursday everyone :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 240 - Holy Busy Batman!

Whew it is 3:17pm and I'm finally getting a chance to sit down in front of/technically under, my laptop. The Little Diva is sitting next to me on the bed eating Froot Loops and watching My Little Pony.

We had a super fun morning hanging out with her friend E and his mommy. We had a few minor meltdowns. They were mostly regarding the Little Diva's LeapPad. I TRIED to convince her to leave it in the car and really it is my fault that I wasn't more forceful in my convincing. Anyway once we were inside I had to convince her to leave the LeapPad in her bag which resulted in tears and rolling around on the floor with legs flailing. We did bring the LeapPad out later, or rather - she took it out of the bag later and then there was some crying because she didn't want her friend to look at the screen.... such a silly girl. In future we will rather just leave it in the car - one tantrum is better than two!


That little piece of literary genius is the Little Diva's first attempt at blogging - I don't know about you but I AM super impressed.

So after the play date we ended up sitting at the veterinary office for an hour while we waited for  the vet to get in and then to correct some of JubJub's paper work for his flight to South Africa. We finally got home after 2 and the little Diva was still awake at 3pm. I now have a pretty sleepy and probably soon-to-be-cranky little girl. I'm going to try keep her up until bedtime to avoid having her bedtime move to midnight.

I better scoot here, I'm dying for some tea and my little bunny needs some entertaining. Happy Wednesday folks!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 239 - I need a massage!

I am in serious need of a massage. My shoulder area is so tense I feel like my ears and shoulders are touching. It is ridiculous that I haven't booked an appointment yet. Here's hoping I remember to call first thing tomorrow and here's hoping even more that they have an appointment open tomorrow evening!

So other than being in pain and wishing I was sleeping instead of typing what can I tell you? Hmmm The little Diva and I had a pretty quiet day today - I was exhausted from out late night last night... apparently watching True Blood after getting home so late wasn't such a good idea. It was almost 2am by the time I got to sleep. We ran a few little errands this morning and logged some more potty time. We only got one pee in the potty today and two puddles to clean up. Hopefully tomorrow is a GREAT day - potty-wise and other!

The hubby is going to put on The Expendables so I better scoot - I will make a point to write my blog when the Little Diva naps tomorrow so that it is something of substance.

Happy Tuesday all :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 238 - EID MUBARAK!!!

Here's wishing all my Muslim friends and family a TRULY blessed and happy Eid!!

We were at a family gathering tonight to celebrate Eid and had a blast. We got home just before midnight - the little Diva fell asleep in the car. She was SO well behaved tonight and she looked SO freaking cute!

It's is almost 1am here though so I do need to sneak away from my pc and get some sleep.

Here's wishing everyone an amazing week!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 237 - Shopping with my two favourite people

We had a lovely day today. It started pretty late. The little Diva and I stayed home and tried to get more potty time logged while the Hubby took JubJub to the vet this morning in preparation for his flight to South Africa next Weekend. He will soon happily be living it up with my sister and her family.

We spent the afternoon shopping which was pretty fun. The little Diva was not impressed that we wouldn't let her hide in clothing racks and was even less impressed when we saved her from being squished by other harried shoppers who weren't looking where they were going! She was actually pretty darn well behaved and was super impressed by the butterfly cookie she got when mom and dad had a coffee. I did find a dress for my cousin's wedding which made for a pretty good shopping trip - so YAY!!

The little Diva is fast asleep and we are about to catch up on "Bones" so I'm going to scoot.

Happy Sunday everyone :) AND an Eid Mubarak to my Muslim friends and family.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 236 - Perhaps "House Marathons" are not a great idea...

We are finally on the last episode of House and I am "medical show-ed" OUT! ugh - someone who does not like germs really should space that show out more. It's NOTHING but worst-case scenarios and MORE worst case scenarios. *Shudder*


The little Diva and I had a blast at Granny and Grandpa's today and hopefully tomorrow I will start typing a little earlier and you will get to hear about it!

Sweet dreams folks :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 235 - Catching up on House...

We had a lovely evening with Dadoos and Mandada this evening. The Little Diva had a blast and so did mommy and daddy. It's always great to catch up with the parentals. Also Dadoos made an AWESOME lamb curry. You don't seem to eat as much lamb here as you do in SA and I gotta say it is a rare treat when you do!

The hubby and I are finally getting around to catching up on the last season of House. I've come to the conclusion that they think every new case is sarcoidosis and then it turns out to be several other scary things.... yup SCARY things!

Anyway let me get back to the blood and guts of House, until tomorrow - sweet dreams ya'all!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 234 - Sneaky, Sneaky brownies!

When I was a kid I HATED spinach - there was absolutely no denying the fact that I was NOT fan. I didn't even care for it when it was drenched in my mom's amazing cheese sauce. There was just something totally and utterly off-putting about it's slimy green colour and slimy gag-inducing texture. I vividly remember plugging my nose and swallowing the stuff. No amount of mentioning "Popeye-esque" strenght could convince me that the effort to get the stuff down was worth it.

Fast-forward a whole bunch of years. I'm older and supposedly wiser and I've come to accept that spinach isn't all bad. I"ll chop it finely to add to soups or omelets and I'm not opposed to baby spinach in salads either. So when I came across a recipe for brownies that included it I knew I had to try it!

Here is the recipe I used - it is from the book SNEAKY CHEF which I now own and am looking forward to cooking and baking through. I imagine this recipe should be easy to convert to gluten free and even more low fat so I will try some tweaks on my next attempt. I'm thinking gluten free flour and almond flour instead of the oatmeal. Also I'm thinking dried cherries AND nuts would make it super duper decadent!

It took me forever to get the batter together as I was entertaining the little Diva who was sitting on her potty at the same time. We struck out on the potty training front today as she somehow managed to "hold it" for 3 and a half hours when I finally had to call it a truce and put a diaper on her so that we could go for our walk.

I finally got the batter in the oven and OH MY GOODNESS did it smell amazing once it started cooking. It was the most amazing warm chocolately scent. It made me think of all things good.

They took a while to cool down but the wait was definitely worth it. THEY ARE AMAZING! I mean you know that you're not going to eat these in place of a meal. They are not THAT healthy, but if you're going to eat brownies you may as well eat these ones! They were actually a lot tastier than many brownies I have tried. Definitely worth the effort.

Go on, try the recipe - YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!

Until tomorrow, toodles :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 233 - Dinner with Friends :)

The little Diva and I had a busy morning getting ready for our guests. We had to pick up some of her toys to make it possible to get to the sofa and dinner table (ok yes it wasn't quite THAT bad but it does get out of hand pretty quick. It has been said that having a 2 year old is like owning a blender without a lid... all I say to that is "nuff said")

Of course once our guests got here The Little Diva was incredible shy.... she hid under a blanket, behind the table and spent a chunk of time in my lap. It is too funny the lengths she will go to to hide and try peek at people who she's hiding from. Once she warmed up a little though she put on quite the show running around like the little hooligan she is!

I had a blast this evening connecting with an old friend and her hubby - it had been WAY too long!! It was great to catch up and hear how things are going out in Calgary. Reminiscing about my crazy student job was awesome and always good for a chuckle. I sometimes really wish that teleportation was a real thing. I love my life here but every now and then it would be nice to pop over and meet with my old friends back there too. 

I currently have the mental image of the little Diva licking the flavour off of tostitos after dinner and then handing the soggy chips to daddy who obviously needed them more than her. It's making me smile cause she really is just too darn cute for her own good!

On that note though I am going to end off here and wind down a little before bed. Until tomorrow, adios :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 232 - Potty training success... well sorta

The little Diva used her potty TWICE today!! YAY!!! She also peed on the floor and the couch but we will chose to ignore those in favour of the potty breakthrough :)

The first time she used the potty she pretended not to notice... I clapped and exclaimed and yelled hooray like an idiot and she was all, "Geez mom it's just pee keep your hair on". So we waited and then we had a spill.... a few pants changes and daddy came home.

Supper was pretty decent again tonight and she actually ate spaghetti! YAY!! Yup today was a definite good food day. I hope that this good attitude towards eating continues because it is oh so satisfying to actually see the little goober eat a whole bunch of what we're having for dinner.

Anywho when daddy came home he took over potty command and waited out another pee after dinner time. We made a big old fuss and before you know it the little goober was also yelling "hooray and throwing her arms in the air".

She got an ice-cream - as promised by daddy and made a giant gleeful mess of her magnum. It was too freaking cute. An awesome happy end to a long pee-filled day :)

Happy Tuesday all!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 231 - Banana, pineapple, pecan, wholewheat muffins

We didn't do a whole bunch today other than sit around working on potty training with the little Diva. We had 4 pairs of soaked panties and pants and finally the last pair made her very upset when they got wet so here's hoping she gets the idea tomorrow. Perseverance and all that jazz right?

Supper time was a success tonight. I made some peas to serve alongside toast, baked beans and cucumber. The little Diva was thrilled with her "Green Circle" peas and her circle toast and I managed to basically clean her plate of peas and beans - yes I made airplane noises and flew her spoon around but she ATE HER VEGGIES so I still feel like the winner here :)

Mr. Kitty is fast asleep at the foot of out bed and every now and again he wakes up and tries to convince me that he needs petting and whatever I'm doing is insignificant in comparison! He has adjusted pretty well to being an only cat and the reports we get back say that JubJub has settled in well at the cat hotel as well.

I made some yummy muffins today by adding pineapple and pecans to a banana bread recipe. I also substituted whole wheat flour for regular flour and then came out pretty yummers.

Here's to an awesome week.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 230 - Poetry

I know I've been posting a lot of poetry lately in lieu of more substantial blog posts and I do apologize.  It is just that I am/have been in a somewhat reflective mood lately and these poems have resonated with me. I figured that they needed to be shared so there you have it.

We have a lot going on in our lives at the moment and sometimes it is good just to sit and reflect. Things have a way of working themselves out - you just need to hang in there and be the best version of you - that you can be so that you're in the right place at the right time and all that jazz.

So along that train of thought, here's a poem about hope. I'll go work on my cross-stitch and then get some sleep - hope your Sunday is a gooder!

Hope is the Thing with Feathers

By: Emily Dickinson
"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all,
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I've heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea,
Yet never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 229 - Time for Reflection

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. 

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. 

Be careful. Strive to be happy.

© Max Ehrmann 1927

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 228 - Bananas!

So I have a couple of WAY Too ripe banana's that need to be used up. I'm thinking of making banana bread or muffins. Even if we don't use them up right away they do freeze really well and are great for a sweet treat when you're in the mood for one.

I've also been dying to try the chocolate brownie recipe with blueberries and spinach and might just do this too. I need to see what I have in the way of ingredients. I don't really have much to type. I have a kitchen to clean and laundry to fold and I should probably take advantage of the little Diva's nap time to do it!

Until tomorrow :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 227 - Cat papers

The hubby has been hard at work getting JubJub's papers in order for his trip to my sister's. I am surprised at the sheer amount of info required but I guess it does make sense. They need to know exactly which cat they are shipping and need to ensure that said cat is healthy and able to travel. I am sorry that I keep mentioning the kitty but it is consuming a lot of our time at the moment. We just hope he's happier at the end of all this!

Anywho before I call it quits for the night here's a story I have to share:

We heard some pretty scary growling type noises coming from the Little Diva's room so I went to check on her. She had her big tiger on her bed and was marching the little one up and down the back of the bed. I guess the noises were simply her cat/tiger growling!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 226 - Found Poem - Had to share

 So I ran across this poem a few days ago and thought I would share it. We all have moments as parents when we get frustrated and these words once again reminded me that life is too short to get frustrated over silly things. I am reminded how far my amazing little Diva has come and I do marvel at how amazing she is daily - even when she's in the midst of a house shaking tantrum :)
A Preemie Mothers Oath

I have struggled and toiled for this child.
I have sat in the NICU and waited.
I have cried and prayed.
I have endured.

Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams.
I will notice everything about my child.
I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover.
I will marvel at my surviving miracle every day for the rest of my life.

I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold and feed him and that I am not waking to a nurse taking another temperature, an alarm going off, another round of meds or because I am crying tears for fear of the unknown.
I will be happy because my baby is alive and crying out for me.

I count myself lucky in this sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see.

Whether I parent a preemie with physical challenges or medical issues, I will not be careless with my love.

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, friend and sister because I have known pain.

I know disillusionment as I have been betrayed by my own body.
I have been tried by fire and hell many never face, yet given time, I stood tall.

I have prevailed.
I have succeeded.
I have won.

So now, when others hurt around me, I do not run from their pain in order to save myself discomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs.

I listen.

And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely. I have learned the immense power of another hand holding tight to mine, of other eyes that moisten as they learn to accept the harsh truth and when life is beyond hard. I have learned a compassion that only comes with walking in those shoes.

I have learned to appreciate life.

Yes I will be a wonderful mother.

Author Unknown

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 225 - 3 year old and fun parties!

Our littlest nephew turned 3 today and we were there to celebrate! We spent time in the sun, had some laughs with friends and family, ate some delicious food, ate some awesome cake and watched the little guy open his presents. It was fun all round. The little Diva had a blast playing with all of the kiddies.

It's been a busy weekend and it really does not feel like Monday today. I have a feeling that this week is probably going to end up feeling long even though it's only 4 days!

I am going to wind down here though because I'm tired and it's been a long day!

Happy Tuesday folks :)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

DAy 224 - heartbroken...

We took JubJub to a cat hotel today. By we - I mean the hubby drove him. I couldn't do it. Just getting him into the cat carrier broke my heart. He howled. I balled. I felt like a traitor.

We will keep him at the hotel until his flight details are finalized and he can go live with my sister, her hubby and their furry babies. I hope that he is happy there.

I know that we are doing the right thing. JubJub was miserable here. He was trying his best to tell us what the problem was. We tried so many different things to try and make him happy but nothing seemed to do the trick. I hope that he will be happy with my sister and that the change of scenery at the hotel will do him good until then.

I remember the day he picked us at the animal shelter. He was a ball of fluff with the biggest ears and most inquisitive kitty eyes I had ever seen. I miss him already and wish that there was something we could have done to make him happy.

We tried.

I look at Mr. Kitty and see him asking where JubJub is and I fight to keep from crying again.

I'm dreading the Little Diva asking where "Jub-bub" is.

This doesn't feel fair.

I truly hope he finds his happiness.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

DAy 223 - So late and so sleepy!

We had a wonderful day and a wonderful evening celebrating Dadoos' birthday - you will have to stay tuned for an update tomorrow as I am full of delicious Indian food, tea and cake AND my eyes are ready to slam shut! The little Diva fell asleep around 11pm so it's going to be interesting to see when she wakes up tomorrow morning. She was still pretty chipper for someone who was 3 hours past her bedtime. I guess it's hard to be sleepy when you have grandparent, and an aunt, uncle and cousin to play with. The car did the trick though and she was asleep WAY before we got home. So on that note, I'm going to wind down here and let you all get back to your busy days.

Happy Sunday - make the most of it everyone!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 222 - Fun with Granny and Needle point!

The little Diva and I had a WONDERFUL day with Granny! I admit parts of it were frustrating because I was trying to find a present for my 3 year old Nephew and I really should have gone shopping with more of a game plan! Who knew that little Dudes could be so hard to shop for! Lucky for me; granny and the little Diva had oodles of patience and put up with me and I did eventually find an AWESOME present. The little Dude better love it - cause this aunty dragged two people around a toy store for quite a long time and she was plenty frustrating to put up with. This aunty also has to call and make a formal complaint to the manager there for the crappy service she received.

Anywho so we started our morning with breakfast at joint which shall remain nameless due to their inability to serve tea in unstained mugs. I finally had to go and get one from the girl at the front when my mom's replacement cup looked worse than the first offending one! Thankfully we ended up with two clean mugs after that.

The food was pretty good, the little Diva loved the pancakes and home fries and scrambled eggs! I felt STUFFED. We then spent WAY too much time at Michael's and I came home with two little cross stitch pieces to attempts and stickers - always the stickers! I HAVE to get stuck into my scrap booking sooner than later.

We also spent some time at the pet store which made the little Diva happy. She loved all the animals and pet toys. BUT mostly she loved all the snuggles and attention from Granny!

She's a pretty glum little girl this evening though and I'm not sure what's making her so sad but I'm guessing it's probably teeth. Hoping she's asleep soon so she can wake up her usual happy self tomorrow.

We have a busy weekend ahead of us, two birthday parties to celebrate! Dadoos and Cousin B - we are looking forward to your parties!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 221 - why must toddlers break falls with their face?

We woke up pretty late this morning and as we snuggled in bed with the little Diva I briefly considered not taking her to the play group this morning. I was tired and not really in the mood to get up and leave the house before 10am. BUUT she has so much fun and it is so rewarding to watch her clap along with the other kids so I told myself, "Self you should go!" So we marched upstairs and she watched some cartoons while I found some clothes... then back downstairs to speedily throw together her diaper bag and race out the front door!

We got to the center as kiddies were already entering the program room, but there was luckily still space to sign her up. We had a blast as usual and I was very happy we went. She was a little shy today and spent a bunch of time on my lap but she LOVED clapping and shouting "hooray" and "good girl!!"

I was planning to leave straight for the grocery store as soon as the program was over but she asked to play with the train table and I couldn't say no. She was having a blast while Mommy chatted to one of the ladies who works there. There were three kids going round and round the table pushing their trains - my little hooligan was lapping them over and over because apparently they weren't chugging along fast enough! All was going well until one of the bigger boys decided to run in this high traffic area and sent the little Diva flying. OF COURSE she broke her fall with her face against the edge of the table and screamed. I grabbed her right away and got the tightest hugs amidst the most heart wrenching sobs. I HATE it when my poor little baby gets hurt. It honestly pains my heart when something like that happens and I can't take away her pain. Becoming a parent makes you more vulnerable that you would ever imagine possible. When your children hurt, your body aches to take it away for them.

She sobbed for a few minutes and neither I nor one of the center ladies could see a mark on her. She still has a little bruise on her forhead from a trip and face-plant against a table at Dadoos' on Monday - but there didn't appear to be a new mark. Once she calmed down she informed me that Thomas was broken. Turns out that somehow in the midst of the fall she'd ended up with only one part of the lego Thomas - we retrieved the other half from under the table built him again. After leaving him on the table the Little Diva was happy to go.

I quickly stopped at Tim Hortons for timbits for her and a tea for me before heading to the grocery store. While there I noticed a little red mark on her nose so I'm thinking that's probably where she bonked her face. Poor girl, no wonder she was so upset - it must have been pretty freaking painful!

Anywho we got our shopping done pretty fast and I got a sleeping baby girl into the car and home for her nap. I am sure she will be up soon and we will have to come up with fun things to fill the afternoon.

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 220 - Splash pads and toddlers :D

The little Diva and I spent an hour this morning playing at the Splash pad with her little friend E and his mommy. We had a blast. It took about 15 minutes before either kid would venture into the water but once the fun started it STARTED! There was running and screaming and giggling. The little Diva ran to me several times after getting splashed with a HUGE frown and told me - "COLD!!" hehe yeah the water was a little chilly - good thing we had a lovely hot summer morning to play in.

The little Diva soon requested juice and after her and E ate a bunch of cookies it was time to get going. She also informed me as I told her I needed to get her into dry clothes, "Change a bum in car".. Yep she was in dire need of a bum change! If only I could convince this kid to use the potty already.... I will try put her on again when she wakes up from her nap and maybe, just maybe she will reward me with an actual pee in the actual potty!!

Until tomorrow :)