Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 227 - Cat papers

The hubby has been hard at work getting JubJub's papers in order for his trip to my sister's. I am surprised at the sheer amount of info required but I guess it does make sense. They need to know exactly which cat they are shipping and need to ensure that said cat is healthy and able to travel. I am sorry that I keep mentioning the kitty but it is consuming a lot of our time at the moment. We just hope he's happier at the end of all this!

Anywho before I call it quits for the night here's a story I have to share:

We heard some pretty scary growling type noises coming from the Little Diva's room so I went to check on her. She had her big tiger on her bed and was marching the little one up and down the back of the bed. I guess the noises were simply her cat/tiger growling!

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