Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 242 - Tired

Whew - What a tantrum filled day. The Little Diva definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Don't get me wrong though she was her happy self for most of the day - it's just that when she was unhappy she was REALLY, REALLY unhappy!

We had a ridiculous sized tantrum in the mall today and then an even bigger one when we were home and getting ready to go Dadoos and Mandada this evening. For whatever reason the little Diva has decided that she hates her runners and wants to wear her sandals. The problem though is that the runners are specially modified to help with her toe walking and the sandals are not. Oi!

So after that day I'm pretty darn pooped and I'm heading to bed.

Happy Frikken Friday Folks!!

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