Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 220 - Splash pads and toddlers :D

The little Diva and I spent an hour this morning playing at the Splash pad with her little friend E and his mommy. We had a blast. It took about 15 minutes before either kid would venture into the water but once the fun started it STARTED! There was running and screaming and giggling. The little Diva ran to me several times after getting splashed with a HUGE frown and told me - "COLD!!" hehe yeah the water was a little chilly - good thing we had a lovely hot summer morning to play in.

The little Diva soon requested juice and after her and E ate a bunch of cookies it was time to get going. She also informed me as I told her I needed to get her into dry clothes, "Change a bum in car".. Yep she was in dire need of a bum change! If only I could convince this kid to use the potty already.... I will try put her on again when she wakes up from her nap and maybe, just maybe she will reward me with an actual pee in the actual potty!!

Until tomorrow :)

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