Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 233 - Dinner with Friends :)

The little Diva and I had a busy morning getting ready for our guests. We had to pick up some of her toys to make it possible to get to the sofa and dinner table (ok yes it wasn't quite THAT bad but it does get out of hand pretty quick. It has been said that having a 2 year old is like owning a blender without a lid... all I say to that is "nuff said")

Of course once our guests got here The Little Diva was incredible shy.... she hid under a blanket, behind the table and spent a chunk of time in my lap. It is too funny the lengths she will go to to hide and try peek at people who she's hiding from. Once she warmed up a little though she put on quite the show running around like the little hooligan she is!

I had a blast this evening connecting with an old friend and her hubby - it had been WAY too long!! It was great to catch up and hear how things are going out in Calgary. Reminiscing about my crazy student job was awesome and always good for a chuckle. I sometimes really wish that teleportation was a real thing. I love my life here but every now and then it would be nice to pop over and meet with my old friends back there too. 

I currently have the mental image of the little Diva licking the flavour off of tostitos after dinner and then handing the soggy chips to daddy who obviously needed them more than her. It's making me smile cause she really is just too darn cute for her own good!

On that note though I am going to end off here and wind down a little before bed. Until tomorrow, adios :)

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