Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 130 - Lightening!

So I'm taking a break from watching the storm to quickly update my blog with my day's happenings. The Little Diva and I had a pretty low-key day what with her having a cold and all. She is MUCH better today - her little nose is still ridiculously stuffy but at least there is no continuous flow of snot down her face. We did a quick stop at the grocery store for flour and cereal and then we dropped off some clothes at Goodwill. I've been cleaning out the clutter in my closet and it feels GREAT to get rid of stuff I'm probably never EVER going to wear again.

I'm trying to find my "mommy-style" and have to admit it's not all that easy. My tastes still lean very much toward "gotta-have-my-coffee-college-student". I'm sure I may have mentioned it before but my little sister assured me that "Goth-mom" was not in fact a good style choice for me. Thank gawd because with how white I am I don't know that I would be able to pull off all that black - or is that the look in a nutshell? hehe Thank goodness I'm totally kidding about the goth theme. Anyway so yes my closet has been purged. Gotta love what an episode or two of Hoarders can do for you!!

Hmmm.... Other  than that our day was filled with cuddles and tv and books and play dough and snacks and milk and meals and juice and playing outside! The Little Diva tried to kiss an ant while we were outside. When I suggested she not do that she jabbed her fingers at the poor critter and "showed" me where it was a hundred times. That ant is SUPER duper lucky to not be squished. I was awesomely impressed with his dodging techniques. My brother assures me that this bug fascination gets even better when the kiddies start digging up worms :)

Happy Friday Everyone!

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