Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 138 - Errands and a Birthday Party!

The little Diva and I ran a couple of errands today. Most importantly we stopped by the South African store to pick up Boerwors! I am definitely looking forward to our BBQ on Sunday for Mother's Day. There's going to be all kinds of yumminess and lovely family togetherness. While we were at the store I noticed that they had Wilson's Mint Imperials and I just HAD to grab a box of them. The little Diva is obviously too young to be sucking on mints but this mommy needed some!

The minty candies taste like my childhood - like beautiful vivid memories of my childhood. My oupa always had these in his pocket. For whatever reason he never actually had them in a box. He would fish out a handful of candy from his pocket and then pick off the little bits of lucerne mixed in amongst them. Lucerne is that plant that often end up in bales that get fed to cows etc. The lucerne was as much part of the treat as the candy was and so much so that we called them lucerne peppermints. Us kids would stand around Oupa watching the lucerne clearing ritual and then we'd all get to eat peppermints together. Anywho the candies took me on a trip down memory.... It was great and I have a whole 100g box of minty memories to look forward to!

The little Diva and I also ended up at a grocery store where she poured her juice box into the little cup/snack tray on her stroller. I was distracted trying to chose snacks for Sunday so there was WAY more juice in the tray than in the juice box by the time I had to repress a mommy tantrum. Why is it that kids LOVE to make messes? My theory is that the little Diva's giant propensity for making a mess is karma's way of getting me back for driving my mother batty with my messes!

Anywho - I didn't have a giant pile of wet wipes on me so the Little Diva got to splash her fingers in there until we got to the parking lot. There I simply tipped the juice out - removed the Diva's soggy coat and used a wet wipe to make her hands a wee bit less sticky. All in all it was a LOT of fun though :) I sort of got a kick out of the look another woman gave me for letting the Diva play in the juice. Seriously - relax lady - the Diva was entertained - I didn't have a meltdown and it's not like Juice is that big of a deal.

Happy Weekend all! I'm off to celebrate my little Brother's birthday tonight - I'm sure it's going to be a blast :)

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