Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 148 - Spring Cleaning with a vengeance..

Whew - we spent a chunk of today cleaning out the basement and the garage. It feels AMAZING to throw out unnecessary and unwanted clutter! Yay us!! We went for one walk today after the little Diva's nap and she enjoyed being outside. We also spent some time in the park and the backyard while Daddy worked on the basement cleanup.

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not but I had to take the cats for their checkup on Saturday. JubJub actually hissed at me when I shoved him into the carrier with Mr. Kitty. I was a quite taken aback as he's not usually one to hiss at people. I tried not to take it personally and ignored his anguished wailing as I shoved the carrier into the car. They were super quite on the drive over and even quieter once I placed the cage in the animal clinic. Poor Mr. Kitty was panting - guess they were both pretty freaked out.

So according to our vet both cats are healthy. Mr. Kitty is however fat and JubJub is an anxious cat. Thankfully there's nothing scarier wrong with him! Apparently you do get cat prozac but they have to be a little loopier than JubJub is to warrant prescribing it. hahaha I thought that was hillarious because I've joked about getting JubJub prozac on more than one occasion. The Vet did however suggest we get a plug in that emits something similar to the hormones mother cats secrete when they have a litter of kittens - apparently it might help to chill him out a little.

I've been feeding the cats wet food once a day and that seems to be helping Jubbers with his litter issue; perhaps the poor guy was simply constipated. He spent all of yesterday on the couch feeling pretty sorry for himself while Mr. Kitty pranced around the house as well as a ridiculously overweight cat can. Seems the rabies vaccine really gave Jubbers a beating while the chubby one had enough blubbler to absorb it without reaction!

Anywho - the long weekend it coming to an end so I will wish everyone a very happy Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow :D

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