Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 143 - YAWN and then some!

I am super duper sleepy today - I know, I know I'm pretty much sleepy EVERYDAY! I like to joke that I haven't not been sleepy in at least 2 years. As funny as this comment is - it really is mostly true. Having a kid really does mess with your ability to sleep in. Don't get me wrong, kiddies are totally and utterly worth it though. I didn't get too much done on the photo books last night. I am drowning a little under the weight of out photos so I'm hoping that if I type now (while the Diva is sleeping) that I'll have more time to focus tonight when we get back from visiting Dadoos and Mandadda.

The little Diva and I will also have to get stuck in and do some chores when she wakes up. Well - I need to get stuck in and get some chores done so hopefully she will play along and let me do them! It looks like it might rain again this afternoon which puts a bit of a damper in my "fresh air walk" idea, but there are plenty of things to do inside too if that does happen. There's drawing, puzzles, books, play dough, TV etc.

I got the Little Diva a set of black out curtains for her room and was hopeful that I'd be able to simply stick them in behind her existing curtains but it looks like that may take a little creativity to make happen. I'm optimistic that I will figure it out though! Wish me luck.

Until tomorrow - hope everyone is having a super Wednesday!

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