Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 288 - Thankful for burnt beans.

I'm thankful for burnt beans because they give me the excuse to try the recipe again and this time use the SLOW COOKER overnight! Yup I can't believe I actually burnt the freaking things but there were still a few not entire soft beans in the mix so I added more water and set the pot to boil again. I was standing there listening to it start to warm up, waiting to stir it when I smelt burning. There was a tad too many black flake of burnt beans rolling around in the pot when I stirred it to think that it could possibly be saved.

Oh well, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving at Granny and Grandpa's today. We had tonnes of yummy food. Garlic bread, soup, chicken, beef roast, rice, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, rice and dessert with custard. Mmmm Great food, wonderful company and a reminder to be thankful every single day! The little Diva was obviously impressed with the spread because she started looking for a birthday cake!! hehe it was super cute.

Anywho I hope that you all got to spend time with loved ones this weekend and took the time to think of those things you're grateful for. Try to remember this feeling of gratitude each and every day!

Until tomorrow, Happy Tuesday folks!

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