Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 300 - Weekends are the best!

We had a good day today. The hubby got a tonne of cleaning done while the little Diva and I snuggled and watched TV. The main floor looks AWESOME! We got tonnes of laundry folded and our house is looking all kinds of tidy - well the main level at least! Upstairs is still pretty messy but I guess that is tomorrow's quest.

NaNoWriMo starts on November first and I am seriously contemplating a re-write and completion of the novel I started last November. I've said it before and I will say it again - I have a book inside me - harassing me to get written. It will GET DONE. I just need to make the time. So the plan is to finish the other things I need to get done before November starts. I have a couple of days so here's hoping!

Anywho back to enjoying the weekend - Happy Sunday people!

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