Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 297 - tired of my whining yet?

yep I'm feeling more human today. I'm thinking that when my doctor tries to coerce me into getting the flu shot I'll just tell her, "no thanks had it already" - you know, as in the flu. In all seriousness thought this is probably just a head cold but it has knocked me on my ass. Stay tuned for my miraculous recovery!

Yesterday the little Diva went shopping with Daddy and came home with a big bag of marshmallows that she had picked out herself. She walked around the grocery store with an empty basket in one hand and her "Mashamash" in the other. She forgot all about her purchase until she'd already gone to bed.

We heard a forlorn little voice over the monitor asking for them. When daddy had to go tell her that bags of marshmallows weren't for snuggling she did sob. The poor little goober though soon realized she would have to stick with her regular snuggle toy and was fast asleep soon after.

This morning though she remembered about them right away and it took some convincing to have her eat breakfast first. As soon as she was done she asked for them again and while I enjoyed my morning coffee she watched cartoons and stuffed her cheeks with candy. It was super cute :)

Night night all - happy Thursday all!

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