Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 40 - Yster Varkies!

Whew - We have hit day 40! And even though I technically haven't shared a recipe (per se) every singly post I have at least mentioned food. That has to count right? RIGHT? Ok I'm going to pretend I heard a loud resounding YES and I'll get on with my mindless Internet babbling. I do wonder every so often if people are reading my blog regularly and my stat counter seems to say yes. So to you frequent visitors, "Hello again" and to the newbies in the back we hope you pop by on a regular basis! I can't always guarantee that my posts will be sunshine and roses but I will attempt to entertain :)

My day started out FABULOUSLY! The hubby watched the little Diva and got her down for her nap while mommy went for a long overdue massage. My massage therapist is great and although massaging my shoulders felt a little more "torture-ey" than relaxing at times it was totally worth it. I left there with my shoulders at least a foot lower than they were when I walked in there. If you've never been for a professional massage I fully recommend it!

We had a lovely day - the little Diva just gets cuter and cuter every day. Her new favourite snack is "crispies". She LOVES rice crispies and although they do tend to land all over the floor I can't not let her have them. Seeing the delight on her face when she asks for them and Mommy understands and gives her a little bowl with crispies in them just warms my heart. She is too cute marching off with her bowl to go crunch her crispies with JubJub on the couch. Thanks to the Little Diva we discovered that Gah's cat too loves rice crispies. We and by "we' I mean "I" spent the afternoon yesterday scouring the floor at granny's for crispies while trying to fend of the cutest little crispie sucker - Misty! The Little Diva's contribution was to say "OOOH NOO!" after she dropped them and repeatedly while I picked them up... lol she is too freaking adorable :D

Too too much fun :) I really do love my life! It's an amazing privilege to get to watch the Little Diva grow up first hand. Anywho before I get too mushy let me share a recipe! I used to make these soo soo often when I was a kid - The name "Yster Varkies" means hedge hog and they sort of look like these hence the name :) I didn't actually make them today but will have to update with a photo if I make them any time soon.


Boil these together for 5 minutes once everything has melted:
2 cups sugar
1/4 lb margarine (125g)
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup milk

Remove from heat and add:
3 cups oats
1 cup coconut
1tsp vanilla essence
1 cup raisins (Optional - I usually didn't add these)

Put spoonfuls onto parchment or wax paper and allow to cool - ENJOY!

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