Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 42 - Chocolate Crunchies

The Little Diva and I had a BLAST this morning. We went to a group specifically for toddlers. I wasn't too sure that she would be able to do the craft but she proved me wrong. She was AMAZING with the glue stick! I'm thinking there will be lots of cutting and pasting in our future. She was SUPER impressed when this new group had SNACK TIME. She loved her tiny little cup of juice and fish crackers. She was however not convinced she had received enough fishies. Luckily I was able to distract her before she had a mini tantrum!

The rest of the day went by in a blur of laundry, episodes of Thomas, book reading, a brief baking stint and a walk outside. I made cookies that my mom used to make quite often when I was a kid. They tasted EXACTLY how I remembered. Aaah reminiscing about my childhood is always a good moment :) Thank you mom (and dad of course!) I was so happy that the Little Diva loved these cookies too - in fact she was so happy with these cookies that she actually giggled.

If you have access to South Africa or a South African OR a South African store - make sure you actually use PRONUTRO! It is a breakfast cereal that is super yummy. I currently have a stash thanks to my little sister's visit! I will definitely be getting more when I run out. So yes you can use flour instead of pronutro but I'd advise using it if you can get it.

I made the mistake of icing my cookies a little too soon - ie right out of the oven and instead of having a lovely icing layer it sort of melted into the crunchie. They still taste divine but they are not 100% perfect. So WAIT a few minutes before putting the icing on. ENJOY!!

To make crunchie part:
1 Cup flour (1/2 pronutro + 1/2 flour)
1 Cup oats
1 Cup coconut
1tsp baking powder
2 tbs cocoa
1/2 cup sugar
125g margarine

to make icing:
1 cup icing sugar
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup water

Mix all dry ingredients together. Melt the margarine in the microwave or in a pot. Add this to the dry ingredients and mix well. Press into a greased Pyrex dish. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. Ice while still warm. WARM and not piping hot!! Let it cool while you mix the icing.

To create the icing simply mix the icing sugar, cocoa and water. Mix these well and then spread over the cookies. Let the icing dry and then cut the crunchies into squares. You can also simply use melted chocolate on top.

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