Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 17 - Gotta LOVE LAMB!

The little Diva is battling molars on her left side now. The poor girl woke up this morning at 3am and needed a cuddle in our bed to get back to sleep. She's been pretty crabby so it was a day of lots of picking up, dancing round the kitchen and all manner of distraction! As I've said before  - I'm SUPER glad I don't have to grow new teeth as an adult! Our household is pretty sleepy today and I'm hoping we all sleep better tonight.

I was able to distract the Little Diva long enough (with Treehouse and Thomas) this evening to cook lamb shoulder chops for supper. I placed them (2) in an oven proof dish with a large onion sliced up. I liberally sprinkled them with salt, pepper and a rosemary spice mix. I cooked them for 35minutes and then grilled them for 15 to bring out the flavour. I served them with rice and veggies and boy was it ever yummers!!

I'm looking forward to my sis-in-law and her 2 kiddies visiting tomorrow - if they're lucky I may have enough time in the morning to whip up something yummy before they get here. I need things to blog about so it's a win win situation :D If they're even luckier I may have time to vacuum before thy get here!!

I'm sorry this post isn't longer but I need some coffee, apple crumble and time to unwind before bedtime! Night night to all :)

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