Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 30 - A use for Blueberry Special K!!

okey dokey - so this isn't going to be too long. The Little Diva and I had a LONG day. A Very VERY long and VERY trying day. Have I mentioned how much I hate teeth? hhehe So yes the poor girl is teething up a storm - she's pretty cranky and ever so slightly difficult... which translates into a day of extreme patience trying for your truly. I'll admit it - I am NOT the most patient individual on the planet. I have a short supply of "zen-like" qualities and an over abundance of "short-fuse" qualities! I think I'm getting better in my old age (lol ok really I haven't even hit 30 yet so I'll quit pretending I think I'm old!) but a day of the crankies still takes a toll on me.

I am truly grateful that the little Diva had fun at her Dadoos and Dadda's tonight - they definitely did an awesome job of distracting her from her jerky teeth which are hacking their way through her gums. I am grateful too that she's now fast asleep in her own bed. I've got the dishwasher on and finally able to have a breather and a moment to write my daily blog.

I do have to mention what happened this morning too though - The little Diva and I were playing downstairs and she happened to be looking out of the window when 3 squirrels thought it would be funny to prance around on our back fence! Their dance steps seemed to say, "come get us - aren't we cute and cuddly looking?"

The Little Diva was ADAMANT that they were "teet teets" and she wanted one. Try as I might I could not convince her that they were not, in fact, birds and that mommy was NOT going outside to wrangle a squirrel simply because she wanted to inspect one up close! She was persistent - all through lunch she twisted and contorted her body to point out the "teet teets". The whining grew and intensified!! I was on the verge of putting her in her play pen so I could quickly run down and catch a squirrel. She's nothing if not persistent with her demands! I had even almost convinced myself that I actually stood a real chance of catching a squirrel. Perhaps I could poke one out of a tree with a broom and catch it in a laundry basket....

Anywho - I didn't stalk the neighborhood squirrels and we both managed to avoid a complete and utter meltdown. I'm hoping tomorrow goes better - I'm thinking a trip to a play group is in order!

Hmmm... recipe for the day. My sis-in-law "N" requested more rusks and so I complied! I recently bought some Blueberry Special K and neither the hubby nor I are not big fans. I used this in the recipe instead of using plain bran and they turned out awesomely! If you'd like your rusks to have a light blueberry flavour you need to make them with blueberry Special K! The recipe is a few posts down :)

Till tomorrow - sweet dreams :)

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