Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 27 - Beans on toast!

Ok so yes today's "recipe" isn't really much of a recipe - sort of on par with yesterday's leftovers. BUT it is the weekend!! I didn't do too much inspiring cooking or baking - somehow I manage to squeeze these in more often during the week. Umm so yes... nothing too exciting happened today. We had a lovely lazy Sunday.

The Little Diva and I made a bunch of footprints in the back yard. She was quite excited to explore the poor frozen stems of the plants in the garden. Mr. Kitty joined us for a romp in the snow and I figured when he started scratching at the door to go in it was about time we did too!

Hmmm what else? Oh right we did have to do a quick stop at the grocery store. UGH - I just realized the little Diva was reading a book when we entered the grocery store and I'm not too sure it made it out of the grocery store. SIGH. I'll have to scour the car and hope that by some miracle it actually did end up back in there. The store was pretty packed so really I would have thought at least one person would have noticed a book go flying.... even if I didn't. She was eating a granola bar - so I was watching her like a hawk. I am so terrified of her choking - she coughs once while eating and my heart rate elevates. I always knew I'd be a paranoid parent - I just didn't full grasp how crazy some of my concerns would be. I have, for instance, actually worried about picture frames falling off the wall and hitting her..... yup -I'm a legitimate worry-wart!

Ok enough about the worrying. I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill today. I plan to keep up the exercise regime. I read somewhere that posting plans to stick to a diet or exercise plan etc. on a blog can be a HUGE motivator to stick to it. Apparently I'll feel guilty to for leading my fans on if I don't keep at it?...So yup - YOU PEOPLE out there are now partly responsible for encouraging me to KEEP IT UP! I have also actually signed up for a Pilates class this week. I'm pretty terrified - not gonna lie - it's been AGES since I followed any kind of group exercise thing and I'm wondering just how well my "keeping up" skills have held up. Wish me luck!

So - to the recipe. You need a can of baked beans, some bread and fresh cut up veggies. Open the beans and warm them. Toast the bread. Serve the warm beans over the toast and enjoy the side of raw veggies. If you want this to be even yummier you can add some grated cheese over the beans - YUMMERS.

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