Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 21 - Keep moving, nothing exciting to see here...

Ok, Ok, YES perhaps the title of this post is a tad uninspiring. I had planned to bake a batch of South African Rusks today - but alas I didn't have buttermilk (this is only partly true - I do indeed have buttermilk but I'm ashamed to admit just when it expired - the worst part of this acknowledgement is the fact that the carton is STILL in my fridge - I was scared to dump it down the sink and my green bin was already sitting on the curb).

I then thought perhaps I'll make pancakes for breakfast and get to mention that in today's post, but alas I need eggs. I will be going out tomorrow to restock some staples so stay tuned - the little Diva and I might just have blueberry pancakes for lunch :D

If the mood strikes and the little Diva naps well I may still make my rusks tomorrow. For those of you without a South African influence in your lives - rusks are sort of like the South African equivalent of biscotti - only more substantial! Stay tuned for photos.

The Little Diva and I had a lovely walk with one of her little friends from the NICU and his mom this morning. It's so great to get to catch up and compare notes :D Also wonderful to see how far both of our little ones have come - such little cuties! They are both definitely growing up WAY too fast. Near the end of our walk The Little Diva started to wave and say "Bye Bye". In addition to the squirming and protesting this was a definite sign it was time to take the sleepy head to bed.

I got a bunch of filing done while she slept and we had a good afternoon. Oh and before I forget - the Little Diva is VERY impressed with the cookies. Every now and then she runs into a slightly larger chunk of raisin and this does get spat out with gusto... but on a whole they were a hit and she asked for them several times today.

Supper wasn't too exciting - I made Chicken, veggies and rice. The Chicken had a Montreal spice on it - the vote is in and apparently Montreal is delicious :D Hopefully I'll have more of a recipe to share tomorrow - until then - keep happy and all that!


  1. Looking forward to the chicken recipe.

  2. I actually just grilled Chicken Breasts with the Clubhouse Montreal Chicken Spice on them - twas yummers!!
