Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 9 - It smells like a giant fart - but wow is it ever yummy!

Ok so now that I have you attention with my umm... "attention grabbing" title let me first tell you about my day! The Little Diva and I drove Gah (aka Grany, aka mom, aka Mommers) to go pick up her new baby kitten. It was a pretty speedy but scenic drive - we got a little delayed cleaning lunch off of the Little Diva. Also there was the small matter of chasing her around for the purpose of removing her milk, water, banana, puffs, cookie, sweet potato and chicken covered clothes to switch them for dry ones. So the scenic route was taken at a speedy pace - there were a few strange places we drove past that I'm tempted to return to JUST to see what the heck they were. One of the yards for instance had about a billion Christmas decorations and I couldn't figure out if they were just some eccentric goofs way of artistically expressing his or her eccentricity or if they were selling stuff - oh well not a biggie!

We had a great time meeting the little Kitty's mom and other kitty housemates. They are all Ragdoll cats and are absolutely GORGEOUS! AND snugly - boy are they ever snugly! The Little Diva was so gently with her petting of the cats that I couldn't help but wonder why she reserves her "SUPER PATS" for out cats. Perhaps she's seen them playing with her little stuffed farm animals.... I had to wrestle three baby pigs from Mr. Kitty this afternoon...

Anywho I was glad that she was a fan of Gah's new kitty. I think they're going to be great pals. That is as long as the kitty doesn't sneeze too much. The poor Little Diva sobbed for what seemed like a lifetime when said cute cuddly kitten sneeze twice - really loudly and right in her face. She was also a little heartbroken when she realized that the kitten had followed us back to Gah's house. I guess she's not too keen on sharing Gah with the new little bundle of fluff.

We got home just before 6 and thanks to falling asleep in the car on the way home the Little Diva was a handful to get to bed. She gave up her second nap during the day months ago and part of me wonders if she actually still needs one. She naps for between an hour and fifteen minutes to two hours any time from 10 - 12pm. By the time 4:30 pm rolls around she's yawning again! Maybe I'll try the second nap tomorrow - I'm just concerned I'll still have a wired Diva bouncing off the walls at midnight if I do :)

Ok so back to the title. You all NEED to make this soup! Click the word "soup" over there to the left and follow the instructions. I made this soup for a family lunch at my mommer's house and bought double the amount of broccoli required to double the recipe!! Yup I had a hard time trying to imagine what "5 cups of broccoli" looked like. I figured the store owners wouldn't take kindly to me hacking up the broccoli in-store and measuring it out before I bought it and so I over did it.... anywho the whole reason for this giant tangent is that I actually made a second pot of this soup and popped it in the freezer for those last minute meal plans.

This soups is absolutely yummy... but be warned - your house WILL SMELL LIKE A GIANT FART while it is cooking... My sister informed me that "fart is not a yummy flavour"...

and on that note I will bid you a good night and I will type some more tomorrow! Until then keep reading and baking and cooking and seriously.... any requests can be sent my way - I can't guarantee that I'll share the end result but I'm willing to give new recipes a shot :D

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