We had a lovely day today. The Little Diva was clearly feeling better so I'm hoping her teeth will give her a little break! Part of me wishes they would all just come out and get it over with and another part of me wishes they'd give her a little break every now and then. It's so hard to see your little one dealing with teeth pain! But it's all for a good cause - she'll be able to munch through steak in no time at all :D

So I decided I wanted to make Salmon for supper. I had to quickly grab a few groceries this afternoon and I decided to pick up A "Club House Recipe Inspirations" pack for Asian Sesame Salmon. I don't want to get myself in trouble so I'm not going to type out their recipe. The best part of these kits is that you have the recipe for future reference and if you have the ingredients you can just measure it out yourself! In addition to the pack you had to have the Salmon, Soy Sauce and green onions. I used white onions and it turned out GREAT! I grilled my fish once their time limit of 30 minutes ran out. I find it makes the sauce a little thicker and oh so yummy - you just have to watch it. The bigger the dish the quicker the liquid is bound to cook off.
I have a pineapple sitting in my fridge that I really should have used up today so I may just try an Upside-down Pineapple Cake tomorrow :) Until them - wishing you all Happy Kitchens!
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